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Thank you Tetrach for the Crocosmia plants.

Thank you Tetrach for the Crocosmia plants.

Arrived this morning, thanks you

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a box of paper??

19 Sep, 2011


Lol, same thought I had Sticki but didn't want to say :)

19 Sep, 2011


Ha Ha very funny you two, it happens to be, mmm can't spell it now,Tet will tell us,

19 Sep, 2011


an envelope??

19 Sep, 2011


cos something, star of the night, look Sticki stop giving me a hard time,your trying to wind me up

19 Sep, 2011



im sure its lovely really!!

19 Sep, 2011


its no cos-mopolitan at all,

19 Sep, 2011


I've got it I've got, and I aint telling you,

19 Sep, 2011


but i found a little hint!! how lovely, they will brighten up the garden!!

19 Sep, 2011



19 Sep, 2011


yorkshire changed the title crissue ~ it just said something about a parcel from tet before.

19 Sep, 2011


Lol,Yorkshire..I was going to say Cos lettuce !Lol.

19 Sep, 2011


I wonder how many packages have been posted by Goyers in all it's years!!!
How exciting Mrs Yorkie!

20 Sep, 2011


Quite a few lulu, in fact I think GoY is keeping the post office going!!

20 Sep, 2011


I think you're right there....:)))

20 Sep, 2011



20 Sep, 2011


Ha Ha, mad the lot of you, cos lettuce, your as daft as the rest of them bloomer, Lol, for the life of me I could not remember the name of the plants,

20 Sep, 2011


Im just glad Im not the only one that happens to ~ especially when under pressure!!

20 Sep, 2011


I just drew a blank Sticki, where is Tet by the way,

20 Sep, 2011


It would have been ok with your tomato's Val..:o))))))

20 Sep, 2011



sorry, couldnt resist ~ at home as far as i know ~ maybe busy in her garden?

20 Sep, 2011


you two are becoming right little jokers are'nt you,

20 Sep, 2011


We must both be in a Tuesday mood,Val :o))

20 Sep, 2011


tuesday is day off!!! maybe thats it!!!
afternoon bloomer!!

20 Sep, 2011


goodness knows what wednesday will do to you both, what's weather like over the hill then, drizzle all day here and COLD

20 Sep, 2011


Oh G-d she has popped up again I see,

20 Sep, 2011


who Tet? or is she still missing?
its been pouring down here today

i have to go to work tomorrow morning ~ that should give you a bit of peace!!!

20 Sep, 2011


peace what a lovely word, music to my ears,and no I did'nt mean Tet I meant you,

20 Sep, 2011


oh well you can have peace for wednesday thursday and friday morning ~ they are stickitoffee free mornings!!!

20 Sep, 2011


lol....;)))) saying nuffin...;

20 Sep, 2011


i dont think we dare do we crissue?

something for you to look forward to yorkshire ~ no sticki tomorrow morning or the two after that!!

20 Sep, 2011


well I have reported you to Tetrach, you won't like that will you,

20 Sep, 2011


what will tetrarch do??

20 Sep, 2011


she will severley reprimand you for starters, and then beat you up.

20 Sep, 2011


yorkshire you will be in trouble now ~ from tet!!!

20 Sep, 2011



your name is being taken in vain!!!

20 Sep, 2011


Oh no your in trouble, I sent her a PM and she is after your blood now for bullying her dear friend Yorkshire, and I told her I asked you where she was and you said Bristol, da da da da,I'm Tets little pet.

20 Sep, 2011



20 Sep, 2011


I shall trust tet to sort it out ~ she is good at that sort of thing!!!

20 Sep, 2011


she knows we are fighting I told her,

20 Sep, 2011


actually last i heard she was on pamg's blog ~ but its all in rhyme and i cant keep up!!

20 Sep, 2011


me niether,

20 Sep, 2011


we are far to intelligent for that,

20 Sep, 2011


telling her we were fighting was maybe not the best idea ~ she will probably put the cold hose on us or throw a bucket of cold water over both of us.

20 Sep, 2011


you might be ~ im not ~ actually i thought you would be good at it.

20 Sep, 2011


no useless,

20 Sep, 2011


I would rather sit here and fight with you,

20 Sep, 2011


well that says it all!!
tet will be leaving us to it then!

im watching come dine with me ~ as well as blogging to you and allegedly making the tea!!

20 Sep, 2011


guess what I have to watch tonight, FOOTBALL, Leeds are playing on telly, you know Tet would'nt care less if we were beating each other up would she,

20 Sep, 2011


it really wasnt the same when you were not on here ~ you were away on your holiday and tet was away the same time ~ was that arranged??

i dont watch boring football ~ i shall be on here instead!!!

20 Sep, 2011


Now whatever is all this chaos??? I leave you alone for 24 hours and its world war 3!
You should be ashamed the pair of you. Sticki go get long-suffering OH's tea and Yorkie, throw me one of Ralphiebaby's cornish pasties there's a luv. Been working hard in the garden and its wet and cold. Got a nice hot cuppa and nowt to go with it.
Now Im really being kind, no cold hosepipes...its too miserable for that, just kiss and make up you two!

20 Sep, 2011


no we did'nt plan to be away the same time, glad you missed me though, shall we kiss and make up, you can be my bestest friend now, your the bestest friend in the whole wide world. you feeling sick yet

20 Sep, 2011


dont like doing kissing.

20 Sep, 2011


we have kissed and made up, its all your fault Tet for leaving us alone for 24 hours, now Sticki is my bestest friend and I have given her one of ralphies pasties, there

20 Sep, 2011


Ive also been having a poetic dual with Flori..challenging work..her poems are sooo long and complex, full of extenuating circumstances (I think thats "long words" to you and me!) whereas mine are short and somewhat racy. Never mind..

20 Sep, 2011


im making the tea.
yorkie can have some if she wants and so can tet but im not doing any kissing.

20 Sep, 2011


Oh for god sake, I just told Tet we have kissed and made up then you pop up and say, I don't like kissing, just can't win with you, its easier to fight with you than to try and be friends, TETRACH we have fallen out again

20 Sep, 2011


Now Yorkie, how could you say that! If thats what you get up to in 24 hours you NEED me! And I need a pastie..just threw teddy out of the pram and you know what that means....

20 Sep, 2011


we don't want to kiss you . you ole misery, me and Stick can't do Rhymes, rather beat each other up.

20 Sep, 2011


o.k. you can have a pastie, ole misery who don't like kissing can't have one,

20 Sep, 2011


I'm off its BEER time, yipee,

20 Sep, 2011


beer on the naughty step.

20 Sep, 2011


just on my 2nd,

20 Sep, 2011


second naughty step? ~ you wore the first one out??

20 Sep, 2011


Bonkers, I'm off to look at pamg's blog!

21 Sep, 2011


dont you want to stay lulu??

hi yorkie ~ Im back!!! peace and quiet ended ~ but it is 2.50 ~ you must have had extra time off for good behaviour???

21 Sep, 2011


Oh my gawd where have you popped up from,

21 Sep, 2011


out of nowhere!!

21 Sep, 2011


obviously, thought I was having three days of peace and quiet, whats gone wrong,

21 Sep, 2011


not three days ~ you should be so lucky ~ i said 3 mornings!!!

21 Sep, 2011


trust me to get it wrong

21 Sep, 2011


Oye Mrs, we have been to B&Q, no we have'nt I waited in the car, we went to comet,

21 Sep, 2011


what a nasty shock for you!!! thinking you had 3 whole days peace!!

21 Sep, 2011


did you buy anything? in b and q ~ oh, do i mean comet? do you know where you went?

21 Sep, 2011


I couldn't find the poem blog!!
Do you ladies want to read what I thought was one of the funniest modern renditions of The Lord's Prayer, it made me fall over laughing!!!

21 Sep, 2011


went to buy a new telly, its like a mine field out there, bought a hoover for upstairs,

21 Sep, 2011


yes please lulu

21 Sep, 2011


us ladies are game for anything Lou, hey Stick watch this space Lou has joined us,

21 Sep, 2011


dont get them muddled up yorkie or you will be pushing the tv round while watching the hoover.

21 Sep, 2011


will be fun then

im not sure we should find pam's blog for her.

21 Sep, 2011


got the hoover as we have a Sebo hoover and I can't carry it upstairs so Ralph thought it a good idea to have another hoover stored in the airing cupboard to make things easier for me, how kind is that, we still have not picked the new telly

21 Sep, 2011


very kind, i used to have that cos we have horrible and not very safe stairs; the hoover was a dyson and was incredibly heavy.
guess what ~ they both broke!!!
so now i have a cheaper lighter one that does both.

21 Sep, 2011


I used to have a dyson, far to heavy, any way where you been this morning by the way,

21 Sep, 2011


Are you sitting comfortably?

'The Rioters Prayer'

Our Father
Who art in prison
Mum doesn't know his name.
The Rioters come
Read it in 'The Sun'
In Birmingham, as it is in London.
Give us this day our Giro check
And forgive us our looting
As we are happy to loot those who defend stuff aginst us.
Lead us not into employment,
But deliver free housing.
For thine is The Reebok, The Burberry and Bacardi.
For ever and ever, Innit!!


21 Sep, 2011


Oh Lou, I can't stop laughing, that is brilliant, will have to copy that out and pass it on,

21 Sep, 2011


It's brill innit!
Someone posted it to fb. I loved it so much I wrote it down!
Glad it gave you a giggle x

21 Sep, 2011


thats really naughty but it made me laugh so much!!

wish i could write stuff like that.

21 Sep, 2011


Me too. I once wrote a nicer version, a polite one about
Our Mother, Who art Heaven...........can't remember the rest, it's downstairs somewhere!!

21 Sep, 2011


can you find it?

21 Sep, 2011


Maybe!! I'm shy!

21 Sep, 2011


not that shy.
dont worry if you would rather not.

21 Sep, 2011


shy, you, thats made me laugh even more

21 Sep, 2011


I wondered who would get there first!!

21 Sep, 2011


Love your poem Lulu, Clever you, its brilliant!!.. You should become a poet. :o))

21 Sep, 2011


Love your poem Lulu, Clever you, its brilliant!!.. You should become a poet. :o))

21 Sep, 2011


wish I had written it Lin, it was sent to me!! I used to be a poet, but no more!

21 Sep, 2011


What made you give it up Lulu?

25 Sep, 2011

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