The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Heuchera 'Peach Flambé - 'Caramel'


By Crissue

Heuchera 'Peach Flambé - 'Caramel'

I split these Heucheras yesterday..The lighter ones are Caramel...
Hope they do well...:))

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A little bit trouble view alas

26 Sep, 2011


A little bit turbidly alas

26 Sep, 2011


A little bit turbidly alas

26 Sep, 2011


Looking great Sue :))))))

26 Sep, 2011


Thanks Pix...:)))

What's all that about above lol...

26 Sep, 2011


No idea lol!

26 Sep, 2011


Thanks Rayd....Welcome to GOY....

26 Sep, 2011


Lovely Sue...:)

26 Sep, 2011


I'm dying to know what 'turbidly' means...hope Ray comes back on and explains! :)))) Have you seen Ray's garden girls?..Makes you want to go on your holidays...well it does me anyway! Nice job Crissue!

26 Sep, 2011


As far as i'm aware Karen it means 'trouble'....didn't really make head or tail myself...:)))

26 Sep, 2011


In rays profile he explains how his English isn't very good, Mystery Solved lol..
Love your Heuchera's Crissue, Im going to start a raised bed with them in next year, just searching the net at the minute, Lovely plants..

26 Sep, 2011


They are Yd I agree...:)))

26 Sep, 2011


Thank you ladies for your understanding about my bad English
I mean softness or in french "un peu flou"
Have a good evening

26 Sep, 2011


Aw bless :)
Welcome Raphael!

26 Sep, 2011


Thanks Fran...:))) Thought I'd try this before it's too late in the year...Hope they take...

26 Sep, 2011


Un peu flou is so much nicer isn't it! :)) Thanks Ray! Yes, I hope they will too Crissue, I bet they will be fine.

26 Sep, 2011



26 Sep, 2011


Thanks Paul...we keep trying, don't we....:)))

26 Sep, 2011


Yes Crissue - I have been told I am very trying LOL

26 Sep, 2011


:))))) lol, you can still make me laugh...even though I'm cream crackered...

26 Sep, 2011


I find myself quite trying sometimes!! :)))

26 Sep, 2011


You are funny, Karensusan. And you know, we Americans take ourselves very seriously most of the time.

26 Sep, 2011


Hi Wells nice to see you in this neck of the woods lol....We can all be quite trying sometimes....I think, just part of life....:))))

27 Sep, 2011


A few days on now, and they seem to be happy enough...
More plants for free...I like...:)))

28 Sep, 2011


Two of my favourite Heucheras, with the weather so warm I am sure they will take we have several plants flowering which should not be at this time of the year.

28 Sep, 2011


Hi DD...Yes mine too...and 'Marmalade'...too...:)))

29 Sep, 2011


Have decided to split some of ours after seeing yours, as the weather is so good I am hoping they will recover quite quickly.

1 Oct, 2011


I'm new to this splitting of Heucheras, so I was quite worried that they would be ok DD...but pleased to say they are doing fine, and one even has a new tiny leaf...all good signs....:)))

2 Oct, 2011


Morning Homebird, and thankyou...:))

2 Oct, 2011

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