Fuchsia ...Walz Jubelteen
By Bloomer

26 Sep, 2011
I'm not sure if the spelling is correct..but a pretty one all the same..upright habit..and a gift from a friend,a few years ago..
Comments on this photo
Thanks Paul..not hardy though,so I take cuttings as well..
26 Sep, 2011
very pretty
are you taking the cuttings now or have you done that already?
26 Sep, 2011
That is a pretty one, just been taking cuttings of Tom Thumb Fuschia, Wallflowers and Ostospernum today, also been sowing seeds, Astrantia and Oriental Poppies, so been a very busy girl making the most of the dry weather ;0)
26 Sep, 2011
if you sow poppy seeds now when will you expect them to come up PP ~ i have lots of seeds but i wasnt sure whether to plant now [and then have a problem of what to do with them all winter] or to leave them till spring??
26 Sep, 2011
OOh i didnt know you could plant seeds now??
Lovely pic :)
26 Sep, 2011
I haven't taken cuttings of this one yet,Sticki..as this smaller than it looks..it is a last years cutting,and for some reason,hasn't put on as much growth this year..I am hoping to take some today..and I will pot it up before long,and bring it inside..I should have taken some earlier really,as it is getting a bit late...
My friend in Lincolnshire has kept this one going since she bought it at Tatton show,in 1999.,Carole...It was our silver wedding celebration day,that is how I remember..as they rushed back to go out with us..sadly,she lost all hers last winter,but got some more via t'internet !..mine survived,but not as big as usual...
Thanks Pixi..I love this one too,as all the flowers face upwards..:o)
27 Sep, 2011
Thanks bloomer - I shall go out collecting cuttings today!
27 Sep, 2011
Lovely so delicate:)
27 Sep, 2011
That's a beauty . . . . .
27 Sep, 2011
Sticki Im hoping the poppies will make young plants that I will over winter then put out in Spring, if they do survive it does give them a good start, but keeps some seed back to plant inMarch/April just in case the early ones dont make it , good luck ;0)
27 Sep, 2011
Thanks Nana d,and Shirley..didn't have time today,will be potting both of them up soon...
27 Sep, 2011
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looks lovely :))))))))))
26 Sep, 2011