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Another self portrait

Another self portrait

Just putting my temporary snapper through its paces, lets see how it deals with the blurred reflection deal

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grass is lovely.
can nearly see the trim stevie

30 Sep, 2011


Did you remember to suck in?

30 Sep, 2011


no need lil, thing is if I lose another half a stone I start to look very thin!
I am of that age where I am not too bothered ; ) my days as a fashion model are nearly over

1 Oct, 2011


good thing we didnt miss it altogether then!!

1 Oct, 2011


LOL, 'nearly'......

1 Oct, 2011


Weighed myself today and am now under that stone marker wow still losing weight. Poverty is really paying off!! what next, maybe I should knockout some mosaics!! I could try and copy Lubeeloos and add in a few of your lobsters Lil : )

2 Oct, 2011


Not fair....I'm in poverty and gain weight???

2 Oct, 2011


Well I'm only realy needing one or two meals a day at the mo and try not to eat, or eat much in the evening

2 Oct, 2011


you could do a book on diets as well stevie ~ they sell well!

2 Oct, 2011


Well it would improve everyones health immediately if they just banned all processed food for a start. Just one or two exceptions like milk n cheese (and no not chocolate)

3 Oct, 2011


no chocolate to eat or not banned.
i love my chocolate ~ especially strong and dark!!!

3 Oct, 2011


I thought the no choco bit would get some reaction ; )

3 Oct, 2011


well you have to have some nice things in life!!

actually i recently lost some weight ~ only one meal a day but did have a couple of squares of chocolate ~ see it can be good and hasnt it got free radicals in ~ no idea what they are but they are apparently good!!??

3 Oct, 2011

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This photo is of "Misc 2011" in Stevietheterrible's garden

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