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new arches

new arches

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Oh yes I love these Cris. What have you planted to grow up them?

4 Oct, 2011


Very nice, I like a good arch

4 Oct, 2011


Ooooh I love them, where did you buy them Cristina?

4 Oct, 2011


haha , hi every one nice to see u all ........................ydd ...... you know those metal arches u can get cheap ............... instead of puting it alltoger , u use one side as u see in pic .............. they are a tenner per arch , we used 2 half lol ............ used the spare somewhere else . then put u shaped tacks to the posts , which were free lol !! so the whole thing cost£20 00 on 1 there is white clem , a very pale pink jasmine next , white iceburge rose , perpetual blue ramberler next then a white winter honey suckel . , so sort of blues and whitish colour ............ a x the top traineing the very pale pinkie white musk rose ,
does that sound ok ........... have redun the border in those colours too with a bit deeper purples mixed in . hope it looks ok next year lol ................. we,ll see haha

4 Oct, 2011


Lovely Cristina...very creative with the arches! :))

4 Oct, 2011


Love them Cristina - garden looking fab

4 Oct, 2011


Great idea, ill go look for them, thanks..

4 Oct, 2011


thanks karen , paul and gud luk ydd ............ got mine from parkers . we saw the idea in someone garden and sort of coped it lol

4 Oct, 2011


What a smashing idea....have added it to Fags so if I ever want an arch I know what to do!

4 Oct, 2011


Where????? :)

4 Oct, 2011


I've just done a Pixi..... Should have read favs!! Lol
Thanks for pointing that out for me Lil!

5 Oct, 2011


LOL I THORT THAT TOOO ............... OMG HAHA ur not that desperate 4 one are u scotish ;0)))))) lol

5 Oct, 2011


Brilliant idea - have also added to fav(g)s

5 Oct, 2011


glad u all like it .................. and cheap too!!

5 Oct, 2011


Must have needed a fag at that time...was at work and couldn't have one!!!

5 Oct, 2011


lol ;o))))

5 Oct, 2011


This is a good idea Cristina......we need the metal arch to go between two Grislinias, and at that price, you can't go wrong, well done thanks for the idea, gone on favs also.

8 Nov, 2011


wellcome d.d ................ not bin on much as knoking walls down !! so bit busy lol

8 Nov, 2011


Knocking walls down, you be careful young lady, this coming from someone who spent two hours taking slabs up on the patio, with a lump hammer and a bolster chisel, still I did it........mad arn't we?

9 Nov, 2011


lol , in the house this time tho ................. made the snug and kitchen into large dineing family kitchen .......... looks fab !! waiting on plasterer now urggg !! lol , dont know bt mad haha ........... i get bored lol , allways looking 4 something to do .............. hope ur backs ok after all that hamering lol ............. xxx

9 Nov, 2011

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