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By Motinot


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They are looking very good again this year,aren't they? Nice splash of colour :o)

8 Oct, 2011


Yes, thank you B..:>)

8 Oct, 2011


They are the berries now...Ours are the same colour...and the only Shrub left on our side looks good on it's own...

10 Oct, 2011


It does Crissue...Wish i knew when exactly to prune get the best wall coverage..:>)

10 Oct, 2011


We just take off what seems to be either in the way or running rampant...I like to keep it neat, as it's very thorny as you know...I got this info for you...Hope it helps :)))

Pyracantha are very easy to maintain and prune, most pruning is normally done to maintain the shape of the Pyracantha if it is trained against a wall or fence and to keep the shape of a hedge. The main thing to remember when pruning pyracantha if that they produce there flowers on last year growth so when pruning you need to try and leave as much of last years growth of possible to maintain a good show of berries in Autumn and winter.

If you have a Pyracantha that is well overgrown and you want to cut it back hard they do respond well when pruned hard so don’t worry about damaging or killing the plant. Hard pruning will cause the Pyracantha to bush out more and form a dense plant.

If you have a wall trained Pyracantha then you can prune to a permanent frame work, you can remove new grow in late summer so that the berries are more visible and remove and side shoots that are forming. If you want to extend the framework to form a larger plant then tie new side shoots into the wires or trellis frameword. :)))

10 Oct, 2011


Goodness...great info Crissue....Thanks

10 Oct, 2011


You're welcome...x

11 Oct, 2011

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