Elkie - posing for her pic...
By Crissue

12 Oct, 2011
Adorable...Laid Back...very calm girl...
Comments on this photo
They are alike aren't they...she is a good girl...very rarely have a problem with her...:)))
12 Oct, 2011
Same here..tho recently she has been whining a lot..think she jsut haes the rain..prolly just having a moan like her Mum! lol :)
12 Oct, 2011
Don't blame her, nothing worse than constant bally rain...We might get some tonight it's been clouding over, for the last hour or so...Am going to do your pm now...x
12 Oct, 2011
Oh no I dont! I try to play wiht her when she's like that or rub her back..she likes a massage lol.
12 Oct, 2011
So does...Sweetie...loves it...Elkie just like to cuddle lol...
12 Oct, 2011
very cute
12 Oct, 2011
She's such a cutie
12 Oct, 2011
Thanks Paul & Sheilar.....OH adores her...she's his Girrrl...lol...
12 Oct, 2011
She's lovely Sue, she reminds me of our Sasha she was very much like her....
12 Oct, 2011
Beautiful Elkie...My Nali refuses to stay indoors and he has a lovely bed and all his needs...would rather sleep in the plastic green house....strange boy..:>)
12 Oct, 2011
Beautiful cat, lovely face she has.
13 Oct, 2011
We have a little stop out too...our Sweetie loves being out...sometimes 1- 2 am in the morning before she rolls home...If she were a teenager she'd be grounded....lol...:)))
13 Oct, 2011
Morning B & thankyou...x
13 Oct, 2011
Morning Crissue, Hope you are well, weather bit dismal today, but eh ho we had rain for last three days, well it drizzled yesterday but two days of good rain before that, the garden looks so much better at last and the weeds are easier to pull out now. lol. Hope the sun is shining for you love the new rustic climbing frame, tell oh he is brill any time he wants a job he can do me some. lol.
13 Oct, 2011
Hi B....Yes we've woken up to some promising Sunshine, been mild but dull here of late...glad you got your well awaited rain...at least it softens the earth and makes it easier to work...You know B...if OH was in UK he would do it no probs, he loves making things...
I'm also fast running out of space, so have to go up now lol...:))) have a great Thursday.....x
13 Oct, 2011
Mum's comforter....cuddles all the time I've been feeling poorly...They sure know...
20 Oct, 2011
Aw bless them all xxx
20 Oct, 2011
okay, i posed for the camera...now where's my dinner?
25 Oct, 2011
:))) All she likes is the Jelly off the meat good job the others like the meat, else there would be a lot of wasted Cat food...lol...
25 Oct, 2011
Suki always licks all the jelly off first..then if she realises I'm not giving her anything else she will eventually eat the meat...silly cats eh? Hope you feel well this morning Sue :))))))))
25 Oct, 2011
Hi Pix x...Yes thanks a lot better than yesterday...last day of the AB's today, so a week then for it to get out of the system, and should be ok...
Ooh have we got RAIN this morning....won't be venturing out for sure....lol....
What's it like your end...
25 Oct, 2011
WIndy and sunny here..not a bad day really. GOing to see Annie today..she is moving into the residential care home this week. GOod in away but sad she cant go back to her own house.
Then going to buy a hoover..Dad is getting my Dyson since I chucked his old hoover out lol :)
25 Oct, 2011
I thought they were going to give her sheltered Housing, still maybe she wouldn't cope as well, plus she'll have company too...Best of luck too her anyway...Enjoy your visit...
What type of Hoover will you get...do you know..
25 Oct, 2011
Nope ./.but it will be cheap! lol
25 Oct, 2011
:)))) don't blame you, aren't they expensive....!!
25 Oct, 2011
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Aw bless...she's lovely Sue..very like Suki indeed..now we need Minty..for the triplets :)
THanks Elkie..good girl! :)x
12 Oct, 2011