The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

when we moved in 2004

when we moved in 2004

previous owners called this their wildlife sanctury!!

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would really like to see the latest version.

14 Oct, 2011


Erm...yes...wildlife certainly, sanctuary, not convinced! You have done loads of work on it G.Lad! Brilliant job!

18 Oct, 2011


OMG! I just love what you have done to your garden. From photo above to your lovely array of plants and what a pretty design you have had done. Did you do that yourself? It truly is beautiful. You are going to enjoy your new look garden for years to come now then.

19 Oct, 2011


Thank you Melnpaul, did the design myself but the square and circle were materials all recycled from property. So most of the shapes were dictated by what I had in. Cotswold chippings over two layers of weed membrane. Plus I installed a auto watering system to each location, which helps the Gunnera. Feel free to use anything you see, thats what I like about this site "the sharing"

20 Oct, 2011

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