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DSC02368 800x600 River Wye at Tintern

DSC02368 800x600 River Wye at Tintern

On journey back from Monmouth stopped to take these photos.

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that is gorgeous! relaxing just to look at the photo!!

22 Oct, 2011


you didnt swim in it though??

22 Oct, 2011


Southern English rivers always look so gentle to me. Here we have the estuary of the mighty Tay....more water passes down there than the Severn and the Thames is the mightiest river in the UK and lots of salmon too....but even as far upstream as Dunkeld it looks fast and dangerous and forbidding. Beautiful though, I love rivers. My home town of Gainsborough has the river Trent which is a tidal river with the amazing eagre (tidal wave), that we used to go and watch sometimes; but that really is a dangerous river, lots of strong currants and very deep. In fact Gainsborough was at one time the biggest inland port in Britain...did you know that Oliveoil and Simbad?...I'm sure you did. The river Wye always looks so pretty ...the Avon too....lovely!

22 Oct, 2011


very impressed, meadowland!!

karen yes, the wye is maybe one of the prettiest but i would love to live near the tay!!

22 Oct, 2011


What's that white thing in the water - is it someone swimming? lol

22 Oct, 2011


I'm lost for words:o))

22 Oct, 2011



22 Oct, 2011

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