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Thunbergia vogeliana


By Meanie

Thunbergia vogeliana (Thunbergia vogeliana)

Taken at Oxfords botanic gardens today.

Comments on this photo


Very nice, how large was the plant?

24 Oct, 2011


Another lovely shot.

24 Oct, 2011


Two metres plus PA.

Thank you Sticki!

24 Oct, 2011


I love the colour.

24 Oct, 2011


Me too - another one to seek out!

24 Oct, 2011


2 metres means searching for space as well as the plant!

24 Oct, 2011


Now that's very nice Meanie...

24 Oct, 2011


That should be achievable!

24 Oct, 2011


It's the first time that I've seen this one Surreylad.

24 Oct, 2011


How are the plans for achieving more space?

24 Oct, 2011


Awaiting council tax assessment/negotiation............

24 Oct, 2011


Hope it goes well.

24 Oct, 2011


Great shot...

24 Oct, 2011


Thank you DD!

25 Oct, 2011


This looks like Thunbergia erecta or Thunbergia battiscombei, but not vogeliana!

29 Oct, 2011


I'll check the tag on Monday......

29 Oct, 2011



Many Thunbergia species get mis-identified. It's very common.

1 Nov, 2011


Won't get back for a week or two now..........

1 Nov, 2011

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This photo is of species Thunbergia vogeliana.

See who else has plants in genus Thunbergia.

This photo was taken at The University of Oxford Botanic Garden.

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