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My Papaya carica 'Maradol' - Maradol Papaya Fruit

My Papaya carica 'Maradol' - Maradol Papaya Fruit (Papaya carica 'Maradol' - Maradol Papaya)

Some of my larger papayas may be ripening soon. Photo take in the backyard on Oct. 27, 2011.

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These fruits are massive! And round!

29 Oct, 2011


WOW....hreat you eat them?

29 Oct, 2011



The fruits are more oval, than round. :>)

30 Oct, 2011



Yes, of course! They so delicious, tasting like candy! Most countries where papayas are not grown in the ground...can never really know the great taste of papayas, unfortunately. :>(

30 Oct, 2011


Your very own fresh fruit salad......!!

2 Nov, 2011


I know papayas are oval but these look more round than oval to my eyes :o) These are plump :-)

2 Nov, 2011



Yes, it does make good fruit salad...however, most of the time I eat them fresh.

3 Nov, 2011



There's so many thousands of varieties of papaya, it would make your head spin. lol! :>)

I usually grow Maradol, Caribbean Red, Dwarf Thai and Hawaiian Solo.

3 Nov, 2011

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This photo is of species Papaya carica 'Maradol' - Maradol Papaya.

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