Daphne 'Jim's Pride'
By Rkwright

31 Oct, 2011
1 like
Started from a cutting a couple months ago and already flowering. I love this variety because it flowers so often and has been very easy to grow from cuttings. I was able to root over ten plants over the summer with almost 100% success rate.
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My plants are fine so far but my sister lives in Connecticut and hasn't had power for a few days now. I feel bad for them, they lost power in a hurricane a couple months ago and now the snow! No snow here yet but we got a good hail storm a couple days ago haha.
31 Oct, 2011
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Gardening with friends since
14 Aug, 2008
Well done you. It is so satisfying to strike your own cuttings and make new plants. I have just heard on the news they have received 28 inches of snow on the east coast. Hope your little plants are all tucked up and come through OK.
31 Oct, 2011