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Rudbekkia - last and lonely one

Rudbekkia - last and lonely one

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aww...bright and cheery though...:))

31 Oct, 2011


Yes, I have Rudbekkia Triolobe which is a mass of yellow but so very different to this one. think Goldsturm is my favourite.

31 Oct, 2011


I haven't grown them here B...but may give it a go next year...

31 Oct, 2011


I like Goldstrum too Olive.

31 Oct, 2011


My rudbeckia rustic dwarfs are still flowering as well.

1 Nov, 2011


Rose, I bought some seed this year to grow some next year not really a seed person, lack of space for growing stuff in trays, so just thought of having a go and I shall sow them straight into the garden I think. Well we shall see if it works eh! I like the rustic dwarf ones, such pretty colours. Am I right in thinking though they are annuals not perennials.

Thanks Linda, they are special aren't they.

Crissue give them a go, try them from seed, I am going to set some in the garden at springtime, both kinds, Goldsturm and the rustic ones.

2 Nov, 2011


Prairie sun is really the only one I like, but I can see the appeal!

25 Nov, 2011


I like Prairie sun but it is not hardy is it Karen, I hate having to replant plants but am going to try some sunflowers the smaller ones this next spring.

25 Nov, 2011


my prairie sun came through the winter fine in the greenhouse, unheated.

26 Nov, 2011


Now there is a thought, that little greenhouse would fit nicely where my path ends, where I am going to put the seating and arbour, maybe that is what I should be doing up there, not sitting but planting eh!!

26 Nov, 2011

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