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My Favorite Keitt California-Grown Mangoes!

My Favorite Keitt California-Grown Mangoes! (Keitt Mango)

These are some of the best tasting mangoes in the world...and they're grown right here in the Coachella Valley of California. They're super juicy and sweet! Photo taken Oct. 31, 2011.

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Have you tasted Alphonso form India?

2 Nov, 2011



Yes, I have. It's a great-tasting mango like the variety Pirie. Keitt and Pirie are Indian-type mangoes, also.

2 Nov, 2011


Looks rather like the one that is commonly sold over here - they tend to rather nasty (under-ripe) here though.

27 Aug, 2012


There's so many varieties of mango...I think thousands.

27 Aug, 2012


Any Mango that bares ( bears?) in California is a great Mango!

19 Sep, 2014


There's several mango varieties which bear delicious fruit in San Diego County. However, the Coachella Valley Keitt mangoes are extremely good-tasting. They are very juicy, sweet and with virtually no fiber. It's the best mango I've ever eaten only a very close second to the Pirie variety.

21 Sep, 2014


Why didnt I notice that those look a lot like mine? Mostly green with a tan shoulder. Not sure if that makes it a Keitt.

28 Feb, 2015


For me the best mango by far is the Honey Mango...........

28 Feb, 2015



Typically, Keitt mangoes are green with a blush and a little yellow. Keitt mangoes most likely would not grow very well at all in the Bay Area. They need a tremendous amount of heat, like in the desert.

5 Mar, 2015



Honey mango is not such a good commercial variety. It grows here in local gardens, but isn't common in the stores.

5 Mar, 2015


It has a short season doesn't it? Still the best by far though, although it cannot be eaten with any sense of good manners! Best to just get on with it and take a shower after to get the juice off!!!!

5 Mar, 2015


This variety of mango is very juicy, also. I always eat mangoes over the kitchen sink.

My dad always used to say the best place to eat a mango was in the shower. lol! In Hawaii when my parent were growing up they always would always have to eat the local mangoes outside.

Pirie is most likely the best variety of mango in the world. My Godfather who lives in Pearl City, O'ahu, Hawaii has a massive tree. Pirie mangoes are so AWESOME TASTING!!!
I don't think Pirie mango grows well in San Diego, as it prefers a truly tropical climate to produce good fruit (but, I could be wrong, as I've never tried one).

7 Mar, 2015


In the shower is probably the best place to eat a good mango!

8 Mar, 2015


...or over a sink. :>)

The mango trees here in San Diego have been blooming since the beginning of February (some most likely started blooming in January, also). It's because of the unusually hot temps this winter. I'll have to take some photos before they stop blooming.

9 Mar, 2015

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This photo is of species Keitt Mango.

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