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Codiaeum variegatum 'Angel Wing' - Angel Wing Croton

Codiaeum variegatum 'Angel Wing' - Angel Wing Croton (Codiaeum variegatum 'Angel Wing' - Angel Wing Croton)

My Angel Wing Croton has completely recovered from the major bug infestation which almost killed it in summer of 2010. Photo taken Oct. 31, 2011.

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Are these 2 plants in a pot ? My croton's were badly infested with white flies, had to throw most of them.
Like your bananas,guavas, got lush tropical vegetation.

2 Nov, 2011


There's 3 in one large pot. They were suppose to be put into the ground last year...however, at this point I think they will stay in the pot. I just about threw this one in the trash last year because of the major bug infestation. It got a major dose of systemic pesticide, which helped it.

Thanks! Yes, it's pretty lush, considering the dry climate here in San Diego.

2 Nov, 2011

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