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Georgia Peach

Georgia Peach

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like the one's you sent me

3 Nov, 2011


I have one too - beautiful in the sun !

3 Nov, 2011


Think everyone likes these plants

3 Nov, 2011


Lovely red Heuchera....

3 Nov, 2011


Thanks everyone. It seems to have darkened since the colder nights.

3 Nov, 2011


It's lovely, and very autumnal!

5 Nov, 2011


Many thanks Karen

5 Nov, 2011


It is stunning S...mines looking lovely on these Autumny days...a treat to see...

10 Nov, 2011


Thanks Sue.

10 Nov, 2011


Yes it is, thanks HB

15 Dec, 2011


I have this one too Cinderella....This is a brilliant specimen.....

15 Dec, 2011


Thanks, the colour is great isnt it.

15 Dec, 2011



9 Jan, 2012


Thanks Moti

9 Jan, 2012


Hi Sylvia, I have a flower shoot on mine, first one since planting in September...

10 Jan, 2012


Oh thats great Sue, hope the winter will be kind.

10 Jan, 2012


Morning Sylvia,
So far this "Winter" it has been been more wet than anything, could do with some sharp frosts though to get rid of the plant bugs, I have my garlic sparay out already..

11 Jan, 2012


Morning Sue, Yes it is really mild here, and everything is starting to grow. I worry about if we get some really hard frosts now it will cut everything back. But who knows, we might have a very mild winter this year.

11 Jan, 2012


If we get through February here with the weather as is, we officially will be heading into we could say we haven't had a Winter...and also very little Autumn..

11 Jan, 2012

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