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My large "Kelsae Onions.

My large "Kelsae Onions. (Verbena boreniensis)

People ask why i want to grow such large onions,
Well its becouse i can, you might as well ask why people want to climb mountains,
Thier is a great deal of satisfaction to be gained from growing heavier specimins each year.
And this year i managed several four pounders.
Too big for onion rings but great for chutney or sandwiches.
Next year the elusive five pounder as they are going to be grown in a polytunnel.
So here's to next year.

Comments on this photo


You grow what you want Dave. I, for one, am really impressed by the size of your onions! (sounds a bit rude doesn't it? lol)

10 Nov, 2011


fantastic job FF. I always like the way you guys dress the top of them.

10 Nov, 2011


Hey Shelier, not the first comment along these line's, you got to have a laugh now and then dont you.

10 Nov, 2011


Hi Funky, not seen you for a while. Hope your ok. Thought you may be painting now its getting colder.

Your onions are brill, good luck next year with your five pounder.

I set some onion sets today, experiment really as I've never grown autumn ones before, they are Senshyu Yellow. Think it may be too cold for them here. Got garlic planted too :)

10 Nov, 2011


The Senshyu are really hardy,and of course garlic will overwinter no problem. Thank you for remembering my paintings i have'nt done any for a while now,
Nice to hear from you again.

10 Nov, 2011 lovely to see you back on here....I have just come back from Devon so have missed this...but Im so pleased to see you my friend.....x x x

12 Nov, 2011


Hi, Milky, What a lovely welcome back, thank you so much you've made my day, Dave.

13 Nov, 2011


Thanks for the onion and garlic info Funky. Hope to see you around more again.

13 Nov, 2011


Do you show them Funky? The way they are dressed it looks like you do. Onions are great for showing. Someone I used to know would use the same onions to display and compete in several different shows. Not many veg you can do that with. You do whatever floats your boat! btw Sheilar Im collecting your comments - you are soooo funny!

18 Nov, 2011


Hello Poppylover99, Very nice to meet you.
Thank you for your comment on my large onions,
yes i did show them and got best exhibit in the veg section.
BTW, Sheilar made me laugh too. great sense of humour.

18 Nov, 2011


Well done Funky!! nice to meet you too.

18 Nov, 2011

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