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Phyllostacys aureosulcata 'Harbin' & 'Harbin Inversa'


By Borinda

Phyllostacys aureosulcata 'Harbin' & 'Harbin Inversa'

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I read this makes good screens/hedges - so would it be invasive?

20 Nov, 2011


Well the 2 plants I have are both very small divisions taken from the mother plants in Cornwall this summer. Not easily obtained even from the specialist bamboo suppliers! aureosulcata Aureocaulis the yellow form would make a good hedge. I have 2 clumps within a phyllo. hedge in the garden and its working quite well. You will get the odd stray culm - its a leptomorph bamboo as are all Phyllos - warmer summers than we get here in Northumberland will cause most of them to run eventually. The bonus is all phyllos are shallow rooted and shouldn't go deeper than about 18ins. - the key thing to remember is regular inspection and maintenance if required.

20 Nov, 2011


Thanks Borinda

21 Nov, 2011

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This photo is of "Phyllostacys aureosulcata 'Harbin' & 'Harbin Inversa'" in Borinda's garden

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