My Garden today which is 17th June 2008
By Lillyb

17 Jun, 2008
I can't do it as quick as I'd like to and as you can see I have painted one side of the fence but the other still needs doing and I will be doing it next week. Also I am going to buy a blueberry bush for that side too and I am holding off until it is painted because you saw the plants on the other side lol
The dog walked into the picture as I took it lol
Comments on this photo
Thanks Mike
17 Jun, 2008
We started with a blank canvas 3 years ago. It has evolved as we have had new ideas for new beds and things like pergolas and ponds which have given the garden shape and structure. It is very creative and satisfying as well as hard work. So enjoy your garden and do what you want with it.
17 Jun, 2008
Thanks, I intend to make this as beautiful as I can and I am going to make the back part because I call the part beyond the stairs the back part. But I want to make it like a secret garden.
17 Jun, 2008
Can't wait to see how this develops.
18 Jun, 2008
I hope I don't disapoint you :)
18 Jun, 2008
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17 Feb, 2008
Starting with an almost blank canvas can be very rewarding as the finished article (is a garden ever finished?) is all your own work. All that was in my garden when I moved in was grass and 2 Hawthorn trees.My tactic was to plant anything I could get my hands on and then thin out as I got a bit more selective! Best of luck!
17 Jun, 2008