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weather station receiver

weather station receiver

this is the receiver for the station..

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Brill - the pressure's low today - really smart that is

4 Dec, 2011


thanks Paul, as a rule i go by if the pressure goes below 1000 it means rain :-) it tells me everything ..
Thanks Hb :-)

4 Dec, 2011


My daughter has one of these and she finds it very useful. She's a nurse and therefore does shift work, so she uses it so she knows when she can leave her washing out (or not) and also whether to walk her dog now (or later). I actually bought it for her one Christmas, years ago, from Aldi and wish I'd bought myself one too!!

Oops, I've just looked at your next photo, and hers is a much simpler one than yours :-))

11 Dec, 2011


they are very handy arn't they.. :-)

11 Dec, 2011

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