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"Warned You About The Gap"

"Warned You About The Gap"

Tail end of Willow as she jumps into the bins below.

A few years back I was in my back garden and could hear a young child crying. I went to investigate and found a your boy who had got trapped in the paladin after jumping in to see what was in there. Trouble is that the rubbish looked near to the top of the bin but his weight squashed the rubbish to the bottom of the bin so he was unable to pull him self out. Good job the lad never knocked himself out after jumping into the paladin ( A big round bin on four casters) I had to pull the bin out and tip it over to get him out. Apparently his mum had been out looking for him.

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Was she hurt at all Tommy?

15 Dec, 2011


Hi Sheilar, Sorry , I forgot to add, both the young boy that was in the bin and Willow were not hurt.

Willow is a right tough nut. I watched her climb up the corner of a garage onto the roof then jump into my neighbour's opened bathroom window.

15 Dec, 2011


Cats are amazing aren't they? I don't particulary like them mind, I prefer dogs!!

15 Dec, 2011


Cats!!!!! truly amazing, Just wish they could understand English.
When I tell them my garden is not a public toilet I just wish they would take heed and use their own gardens.

I am a bit cautious with dogs. I like them as I do cats but some of them just don't see eye-2-eye with me. I just think it's a love/hate relationship.

15 Dec, 2011


A water pistol works Tom, out of my 4 only one insists on marking her territory, and she gets a right squirt if she's do the Toms that think my garden is their toilet, and my LAWN of all places, dirty little beggars...

21 Dec, 2011


I have tried that Sue ,I have yellowing of my hedges and stains on the house wall.I have photographed the cats in action peeing all over the place. Even have a bloke who walks by my open planned front garden. Every day his dogs cock their left legs for the first pee of the day. I just can't be bothered to argue now but years ago I would have flown off the handle. I did try putting food out on the poo places as I've heard that dogs and cats won't do it on the same place as the food is laid.

21 Dec, 2011


I don't know, but once I bought a Cat deterrent and when I smelled the box it stank of Garlic, and I thought well I spray my plants with homemade Garlic Aphid deterrent, so I'll do the spots too where the cats go....Our very front part is Lawn and open plan too, but we've got our caravan on it...but they'll poo without even making a I spray all the spots with Garlic spray...and i've two bottles not made up yet, and boy is that going to be potent...near year...:)))

22 Dec, 2011


Lets hope the Garlic works, if it does I'll plant some garlic cloves in between my other plants . My cats poo on top of the lawn as does the hedgehogs etc etc..... Have you a recipe for your deterrent or is it secret?

22 Dec, 2011

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