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" Needs To Do A Bit Of Training "

" Needs To Do A Bit Of Training "

This squirrel reminds me of me, Shortlegs with a fat tummy.
Looks like its put on some fat for winter.. Fur really healthy looking.

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Nice Tommy..I can't get them to stay still long enough.

14 Dec, 2011


You don't want to Pimpernel. They have a habit of digging into my pots, tubs and basket hiding nut's as a dog buries a bone. Loves knicking the flowers plus dead ringing some small branches in the tree outside my back garden.
Thanks for the like to you and Cinderella too

15 Dec, 2011


They rarely seem to hibernate nowadays.........

15 Dec, 2011


Good shot Tommy

15 Dec, 2011


Cute pic Tommy :o)

15 Dec, 2011


You are right Meanie, I think that they now hibernate when they feel like it,
Thank you all for you nice comments and likes.

15 Dec, 2011


They really are cute! Maybe I wouldn't still think so if they were digging in my pots, however. This one clearly likes its grub. I presume you are the one supplying all the food he/she is enjoying?

15 Dec, 2011


Neighbours on both sides and I feed them plus they scavenge the paladins that service a nearby block of flats.

Now that the Grey Squirrel is deemed you can ask the council pest controller for a trap which must be checked every day. The captured squirrel will not be relocated but will be dispatched.
I have a mate that eats squirrel pie and say's how lean the meat is. I can remember early 60s, I was living near St Ives in Huntingdonshire( Now Cambridgeshire ). I was fishing the Great Ouse near Houghton Mill and some youths walked by with air rifles. They said they had been shooting grey squirrels for a local farmer. He had offered them half-a-crown
for the squirrel's tails. Apparently the squirrels were damaging young trees, bus and the eggs of song birds and game birds.

15 Dec, 2011


Not my favourite the Red Squirrel, that's a different story....

21 Dec, 2011


I have only seen one red squirrel and that was in London about 1956.

21 Dec, 2011


Where we lived on the I.O.W. it is the Red Squirrel habitat...and there are a few places around UK where the Red Squirrel does well, provided the monitoring of the grey contunues...We have both in France, but kept apart...obviously. The grey being the bigger and more greedy of the two, will push the Red out....given the chance...

22 Dec, 2011


I.O.W. is one place I would like to visit but have never got round to it. I take it the Grey Squirrel is not a good swimmer.
I know it's a shame that any animal is culled but the Grey Squirrel as well as being a bully boy does so much damage to our wild life....How is the weather in France where you both live?.......

22 Dec, 2011


It's mild again now Tom...but patches of rain here and there....No White Chritmas for us....:)))
Have a very poorly Cat at the mo, see my page on Freckles....

22 Dec, 2011

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