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I don't do Christmas

I don't do Christmas


Comments on this photo


so you dont have a spare inch left on that tree?

21 Dec, 2011


No..So much fuss

21 Dec, 2011


How long did it take or did you cheat and get this out of a box ready done!!?

21 Dec, 2011


Tree up..Were off..Two sets of window nets, Bob's your mum's Sis.. Then it gets sticki Sticki. faffin about why? That's why I don't do it......Humbug

Stilton and Port, with pear and Dates later

21 Dec, 2011


Stilton port pears and dates, very yummy.

21 Dec, 2011


Is the tree bright enough ?

Does it need more lights ?
and more beads ?
and more baubles ?

Have you ordered in enough Humbugs ?

... so many questions ... ;o)

21 Dec, 2011


I think it could do with a few more baubles on it! lol

21 Dec, 2011


I think you have missed a bit, just to the right of the snowman, no, up a bit, that's it!

21 Dec, 2011


I am thinking of writing a GoY panto ..........If I last a year!

21 Dec, 2011


Oh, no you are not!

21 Dec, 2011


But if you really do have the time it would be just brilliant!
I would like a ticket for Christmas day please, in the front row. Will you be serving ice cream and popcorn?

21 Dec, 2011


Lol..It would have to be next year..Meanie (Jack) would grow the magic Dendrobium.....thinking..Witches and villains.......#

I never stop finkin

21 Dec, 2011


Did you have anyone in mind for witches and villains?

22 Dec, 2011


I hope you have a nice big box of costumes - twirly moustaches, false noses, big hats, dayglo wigs, and funny voices, 'cos you are going to have to play all the parts yourself, aren't you? Better get writing and rehearsing round about April, I guess. Can I book two tickets, please, and 23 for the cats?(Half price, 'cos they won't understand a word)

22 Dec, 2011


I can provide a Fangdangle and the smallest sheepdog in the some exploding fairy lights...if needed. ;)

22 Dec, 2011


Didn't know fairies exploded that often........And I really think you'd be better off keeping your Fandangle to yourself, KF. Don't want to get flagged, now, do we?

22 Dec, 2011


I can bring a giant sofa to sit some of us on!!

22 Dec, 2011


And if we run out of room, I can sit on your knee, Lulu! I'll try and lose weight by then......

22 Dec, 2011


Maybe i should be sitting on your knee then G!!

22 Dec, 2011


You don't do Christmas ??
....... Oooh yes you do ;o))

22 Dec, 2011


Bit bony, I'm afraid, Lu

22 Dec, 2011


Fangdangles are very versatile pantomime-wise...can double as white mice or laughing hyenas...

22 Dec, 2011


So here it is....Merry Christmas, everybody's havin' fun.......x x x x

22 Dec, 2011


KF, What pantomimes do watch? I can't think of any with hyenas in

23 Dec, 2011


That's how good an actor they are G not once has an unruly child cried aloud " that's not a mouse " ...Next thing you know people will be taking them home......Giving them pet names..Oh yes the proper dogs may do their best to warn their unsuspecting owners but...then the dogs themselves get taken in...No wonder the hyena laughs!

23 Dec, 2011


OMG! Danger lurking in every home! I'll bet RADA is full of 'em!

23 Dec, 2011


The Lion King has a few hyenas!
Lol, at five years old I was tied into an itchy sack in 'the house that Jack built'. I exclaimed loudly "can someone get me out of this b****y sack!! Short lived my acting career!

23 Dec, 2011


It's called "method acting" Lulu!

23 Dec, 2011


She has already started the moment she is 'getting into the role' of the cushion (which holds the glass slipper).....and very good she is too - hasn't so much as twitched in over an hour....

23 Dec, 2011


Amazing, such self-control!

23 Dec, 2011


Short lived, I'm afraid...she's now attempting to replace the fallen Xmas tree angel....aah, well, children will play...

23 Dec, 2011

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