Checking The Dangers From Above

26 Dec, 2011
Every now and then a pause on eating and a good look round for any dangers. In the open like this this Wren was spending more time on he safety than foraging for food. Did you see how big the feet in relation to body size.
Comments on this photo
Aye, you're right, the feet do look big in comparison to the body.
26 Dec, 2011
These are great photos, Tommy. Not easy to get pictures of wrens, they are usually so secretive and quick. I love the pattern in the feathers, it's so intricate and you can make it out here.
26 Dec, 2011
Fabulous photo, Tommy, such shy tiny birds with a big voice. I know there is one in my garden when I hear a loud chckchk call, I never see it though!
26 Dec, 2011
thats brilliant!!
how lovely to get that shot!
26 Dec, 2011
Thank you all, just happy that I had a camera handy. I am putting down quite a lot of chopped dried mealworms in the pots near the windows but first time I actually managed to catch something.
26 Dec, 2011
might try that myself now ~ thanks tommy
26 Dec, 2011
Hello Stickitoffee,
You might find the birds will stay longer as they have to peck up more pieces to get the same amount of a whole mealworm.
Gives you longer to aim that camera.
26 Dec, 2011
now that is clever thinking tommy ~ why didnt i think of that!??
at the moment ~ in this mild spell ~ they dont seem to be visiting so much; a few days ago when it was a little chillier we had red wings on the holly [awkward angle from the window to take photos annoyingly], long tailed tits, blue tits and possibly a goldcrest?????
26 Dec, 2011
What a cute bird! I never saw it so close. So you are putting traps ? :)
26 Dec, 2011
Dobrý deň, Katarina, ospravedlňujem sa možno nepochopili ma. Len pomocou porezaná mealworms prilákať toľko rôznych druhov vtákov, ako je to možné, aby som sa fotiť. By sa nikdy ani uvažovať zotrvávajú a ilegal vo Veľkej Británii
Ak použijete menšie porcie jedla vták musí ostať dlhšie, jesť rovnaké množstvo potravín ako by ste používali väčšiu časť. Niektorí ľudia používajú surové mleté mäso, aby sa vtáky scavenger krajine a krmív. Ak ste použili úplne mŕtvy vták alebo myši vtáčie perá a bude mať veľa naraz. Odpusť mi, či sa mýlim, ale RSPCB odradiť túto prax pre Red draci vo Veľkej Británii a opýtajte sa nás, je kŕmiť.
Použitie menšie porcie jedla vám dlhšiu dobu cieľ, zamerať sa potom strieľať. (Take Photo)
Dúfam, že chápete moje anglickej gramatiky, ako veľmi dobrý. ..... Tom
Hello Katarina, Sorry you might have misunderstood me. Just using chopped up mealworms to attract as many different bird species as possible for me to take photographs. Would never even consider trapping them and ilegal in UK
If you use smaller portions of food the bird has to stay longer to eat the same amount of food as if you were using larger portion. Some people use raw minced meat to make the scavenger birds land and feed. If you used a whole dead bird or mouse the bird would swoop and take the lot in one go. Forgive me if I am wrong but the RSPCB discourage this practise for the Red Kites in the UK and ask us not to feed them.
Using smaller portions of food give you a longer time to aim, focus then shoot. ( Take Photo)
Hope you understand my English Grammar as not very good. .....Tom
27 Dec, 2011
Hi all, I don't know what happened here but I answered Katarina and my name came up as Icia
Sorry about that but I am still Tommyshortlegs
27 Dec, 2011
Two languages tommy! Very impressed, that name appears every so often by mistake, for other people too!
27 Dec, 2011
Tommy, so sorry, this page is full of misunderstandings. First, that Slovak is not understandable to me :), but thank you for attempt. Secondly, I very well understood how you mkes birds to stay for longer - I just called it here trap :)
Happy New Year!
27 Dec, 2011
Sticki, doesn´t that name appear for those who are kid-ding?
27 Dec, 2011
no katarina that Iciar avatar is a nuisance it keeps popping up for people and it shouldnt. its a mistake.
27 Dec, 2011
27 Dec, 2011
I hope so, it is just funny, because (c)iciak in Slovak is the sucker...
27 Dec, 2011
is that right? makes you wonder then!!
27 Dec, 2011
Miracles happen in X-mas! Lol. Sorry, Tommyshortlegs, I like your pictures very much. Friends?
27 Dec, 2011
strange things certainly seem to happen!!
27 Dec, 2011
Hello Katarina, sorry my Slovak no good. I tried using Google Translate.
I understand your trap now as for lure
Yes always a friend, now and for ever. Enjoyed reading your blog, full of history with lovely pictures
I did click on Icia and even checked out the profile of the person with no garden but whom loves GOU
Happy 2012 to you, one and all.
27 Dec, 2011
Exactly. Lure. Thank you.
27 Dec, 2011
Welcome Katarina.
27 Dec, 2011
Nice photo Tom.......
30 Dec, 2011
Thank you Milky ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.....
30 Dec, 2011
nice meeting u tom, the birds inspires me when i look at them.
21 Feb, 2012
having such an illness is not important, being u as a person who have a good heart and having a family that loves u so much is a fortune
21 Feb, 2012
Thanks Junna
25 Feb, 2012
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26 Dec, 2011