Steak pie!
By Pixi25

27 Dec, 2011
Decided to make a steak pie for dinner today as I was fed up with the butcher's ones not having enough meat and becoming slightly tasteless..hope it tastes ok! Will let you know later! :)
Comments on this photo
Looks very good indeed. And very yummy.
27 Dec, 2011
Thank you! and thank you lol xx
Will let you know later if it tastes good! lol
27 Dec, 2011
I'm sure it will!
I like it best served with chips and gravy!
27 Dec, 2011
well theres gravy in the pie..but yeah they like chips with it! :)
27 Dec, 2011
27 Dec, 2011
looks delicious:-))
27 Dec, 2011
Looks delicious. And a rather belated Happy Birthday Pixi :o))))
27 Dec, 2011
I cooked Steak and Stilton pie for our christmas dinner!
I never buy pies - tomorrow it'll be chicken and ham.
27 Dec, 2011
It looks really scrummy!!
27 Dec, 2011
wow steak and stilton, excellent choice. i love pies.
the only pies i ever buy [when on special offer] are charlie bighams steak and ale, otherwise i make them
made spicy chicken pie [bit like a pork pie] for christmas ~ had to make another by christmas eve cos sons polished it off!!!
27 Dec, 2011
Looks very yummy..
27 Dec, 2011
THanks all :)
ANd thanks N3tyy :))
Mmm steak and stilton sounds delish! must try that one!
lol Sticki..there's never enough pie eh?
WIsh they would hurry up and come here..but I dont think they are coming till about 4 or choccy bikkis i is till then lol ;)
27 Dec, 2011
no christmas chocolates to eat up?
27 Dec, 2011
Just a wee box of Maltesers nearly all gone! Gotta hide them before they arrive!!!!!!!!!! lol
27 Dec, 2011
Wot I want to no is, Y didn't we get an invite lol....cor it looks good Pix xx
27 Dec, 2011
Hehe You are all welcome but jsut tell me when so I can make a bigger one lol ;) x
27 Dec, 2011
I delicious...mmm
27 Dec, 2011
I'll send you one! haha..did you get it yet?
27 Dec, 2011
Can't beat a home made pie,Pixi..bought ones,however good,just don't have the taste...and a belated Happy Birthday from me too..meant to post on Christmas day,but didn't get round to know how it is ! Hope you got some nice cards and pressies :o)
27 Dec, 2011
Yep thats for sure BLoomer! It was really good..even tho I say so myslef all got eaten up..very quickly!
Thanks for b/day wishes too :)))))))Some good things..some ..well hmm..might end up in the charity shop lol. AH well they never get it right!
Funny tho..I always try to think of what the person would like..not what I like and that'll do!
Sarah and Rick gave me lovely pressies..and Dad always jsut gives us all money...very handy!
Hope you had a lovely time too :)))))
27 Dec, 2011
Know what you mean,Pixi,a lot of charity shops welcome unwanted gifts..luckily,I haven't had that problem for a while..but I still manage a good clear out,now and then :o)
Glad your pie went down well..always a winner ! x
28 Dec, 2011
28 Dec, 2011
I got a chicken out of the bargain bin for 89pence last night. Roasted it last night (using the oven timer so leccy was cheap), stripped the carcass and am making the stock now. Chicken and Ham pie is one of my faves!
28 Dec, 2011
28 Dec, 2011
chicken and ham pie sounds very good.
28 Dec, 2011
There's always plenty of spare ham at this time of year.........
28 Dec, 2011
well not so much here ~ my boys favourite meat i think, they ate loads and it was a huge piece of ham, then they took a large parcel home with them!!
but im glad ~ much better eaten than wasted!!
chicken, ham and leek would work well
28 Dec, 2011
Mine is chuck, ham and mushroom.
The leek would make a nice alternative though.
28 Dec, 2011
chuck ham mushroom and chicken in ~ excellent. sometimes i add a few of those dried porcini for extra flavour.
chicken and ham pie would be good cold or hot??
28 Dec, 2011
Deffo add porcini to plain old chuck and m/room pie. Use the steeping liquor for the "sauce" too.
28 Dec, 2011
oh yes!!!
there used to be something called mushroom ketchup never used it myself, it was more a mushroom sauce i think like worcestershire sauce.
28 Dec, 2011
THanks LUlu.hope you feel betterxxxxxx
mmm ham n chicken pie
28 Dec, 2011
It was basically just concentrated mushroom liquor.
Top tip - fry mushys in an olive oil and butter mix and right at the end add a few drops of dark soy sauce. It's sublime!
28 Dec, 2011
Oh yum! sounds delish!
28 Dec, 2011
It is Pixie, but just a few drops mind...........
28 Dec, 2011
Yeah or it mightb get too slaty?
28 Dec, 2011
salty lol
28 Dec, 2011
reckon those mushrooms would be good on ciabatta bread or toast???
is that your top tip for today meanie?
28 Dec, 2011
yeah on toast mmm
28 Dec, 2011
That's my tip for the day!
28 Dec, 2011
well its a good one but you have set the precedent now ~ so im looking forward to tomorrow's tip!!
28 Dec, 2011
28 Dec, 2011
Tip for the day - when making curry, finely slice 2 garlic cloves and brown them with a little oil in a frying pan before adding with the rest of the garlic. It's the missing link to an authentic curry flavour!
But DON'T burn them!
29 Dec, 2011
Fried garlic, yum!
29 Dec, 2011
29 Dec, 2011
oh you remembered!! im most impressed, thank you for that one ~ didnt know that
but i do not not to burn garlic!! which is easily done!!
29 Dec, 2011
I have to do it slowly - my Bangladeshi neighbour (where do you think that I learnt this) does it quickly on a large scale in his kitchens.
29 Dec, 2011
does he?
bet he has a few more recipe tips for us all ~ all welcome!!!
29 Dec, 2011
He's rather tight with them! Keeps me buying that way.......
Apparently, my Sag Aloo and my Pilau Rice are spot on though.
29 Dec, 2011
you dont fancy writing out the recipe for them do you? but a short cut would be to take a photo of the recipe and post it on???
29 Dec, 2011
It's in my head - I had to work them out for myself!
Pillau rice - good basmati rice (not Tilda and the such) for two, two black cardamon pods, four green cardamon pods, four cloves, level teaspoon of cummin seeds and heaped teaspoon of fennel seeds. Put to soak for four hours plus, then wash under cold water before boiling for about four minutes with a few strands of saffron. Remove the cardamons and cloves before serving.
29 Dec, 2011
just need the black cardomons, got the rest i think and planning on curry tomorrow night ~ thanks for that!!
29 Dec, 2011
How was it Pixi? It looks really great. Is it really made from meat or is it masked apple-pie? How did you make that decoration o the top?
2 Jan, 2012
It tasted great and Dad loves it Katarina :)
It is diced steak , sliced onions and gravy underneath the pastry. Then topped with puff pastry..the leaf decoration was made from left over bits of pastry I had. :)
Tasted yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 Jan, 2012
any more tips for the day?
2 Jan, 2012
DOnt come to Scotland! Galeforce winds here..electric keeps going off..its scary..pots in the pond wheely bins flying aorund..its really scary!
3 Jan, 2012
hold on pixi!!
its very windy here too ~ we have very tall trees next to us ~ about 20 ft from where i am sitting, they dont look that safe right now and it feels as if im sitting in the crows nest on a tall ship!!
3 Jan, 2012
oh dear ..its scary..i really am scared..its worse than last time. suki got out when i tried to go and rescue pots from pond..was worried they were lying on top of fish..she got blown across the garden nearly into pond..i had to go and get her..i nearly fell in safe everyone!
3 Jan, 2012
have you got suki in now?
lock the doors and bar the windows pixi and dont go out make some nice cakes instead! or paint a windy picture? oh, and put on some loud music!!
3 Jan, 2012
yes she is in ..she was shaking! so was i! all door and windows locked..yes need to make some apple pie and meringues too. loud music good idea..thats if the elctric doesnt go off..that would be a disaster..then i couldnt bake! paint? maybe..clean//maybe..driving waslking outside..deffo not!!!!!!!!!!
3 Jan, 2012
when you choose the music ~ avoid wind instruments!!??
3 Jan, 2012
3 Jan, 2012
if you had pan pipes in the garden they would be playing their own tune!!
3 Jan, 2012
yeah they would! lol Blowing in the wind prolly!
3 Jan, 2012
oh of course!
3 Jan, 2012
Just took a video trying to upload to you tube! lol
3 Jan, 2012
whats the youtube site address?
amazingly sussex is having similar weather!!
3 Jan, 2012
video is up!
3 Jan, 2012
how do i find it pixi?
3 Jan, 2012
You found it! lol ;)))))
3 Jan, 2012
i did! thanks, its really good to watch.
3 Jan, 2012
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Nice Pixi - looks very professional - great pic of you too!!!
27 Dec, 2011