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watermelon birds

watermelon birds

pic (with too much flash) of one of my handpainted floorcloths; painted in my garden cottage studio. those of you who speak it will realize the spanish phrase also says "...while you are still in your bed..."; (i ran out of room!)

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Surely you don't use them on the floor Noah they are far to pretty , clever you ... perhaps you have a different meaning for a floor cloth, here a floor cloth is one that we wet and wash the floor with !

16 Jan, 2012


hi amy,
lol, that makes sense for "floorcloth"! thank you! in american colonial times, people couldn't afford carpets (usually imported), so they used canvas (like old ships sails) and painted them decoratively for their floors. they're painted just like artist's canvas, different shapes and sizes, sealed and waxed and meant to be walked on! (altho, i do like it when people put them up on the wall.)

18 Jan, 2012


LOL I'm relieved to hear that Noah , I couldn't stand the thought of you putting such a pretty cloth in a bucket of water and washing the floor !!! I like your way much better what a lovely thing to make I wouldn't want to walk on such a beautiful artistic piece of work I would hang it on the wall .. :o)

18 Jan, 2012


I would hang it on the wall too but maybe in a bedroom as the phrase suggests.

25 Nov, 2017

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