Abutilon ready to bloom again.
By Alexandramou

23 Jan, 2012
Didn't even feel the freeze...
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This one tolerated lower temps than that.....I'm so glad it made it. This is one of the two cuttings I took this summer.
Bad news for Thursday....another freeze with strong winds. It started raining now, about time. I have a very bad feeling I'm going to lose a lot of tropical plants this year!!!
23 Jan, 2012
Believe it or not, my A.megapotamicum has taken lower than -4°c a few times this year and is still covered in buds.
23 Jan, 2012
Wow, now I know what you guys go through over there!
23 Jan, 2012
Been mild this year really, so not complaining.......
23 Jan, 2012
The leaves of mine are still green in a cold greenhouse they survived last year as well ..
My A.megapotamicum still has flowers on it Meanie ,it's outside on a wall , I have put a sheet of fleece in front of it to give it a little protection .....
23 Jan, 2012
A.megapotamicum is really hardy. I know it has survived 20ºF/-6.7 with no problem in the colder parts of CA.
24 Jan, 2012
I might be needing some of your fleece Amy...:o(
24 Jan, 2012
Three of my five Hibiscus are not look good at all Delonix!!!
I really liked my yellow one. The others, I can always take more cuttings.
24 Jan, 2012
I had no idea that it was such a toughie!
As in H.rosa-sinensis Alex? If they've caught a frost they're fried.......
24 Jan, 2012
Sorry to hear about your Hibiscus! :>( They should come back fast when the weather warms, though. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is definitely not as hardy. Prolonged freezing temps can kill them outright or at least kill them to the ground.
The Hibiscus rosa-sinensis trees/shrubs here are blooming like it's summer time. They typically have a lighter bloom in winter here in San Diego.
24 Jan, 2012
This does not sound good guys....
I was thinking about pulling them right out of the ground and putting them in a storage room for a couple of weeks. Less work if I just cover them....
24 Jan, 2012
Are the Hibiscus newly planted? If so, then, yes, they should be protected.
25 Jan, 2012
One of them was made from a cutting last winter (it's actually very tall now). The Yellow on was bought this summer.
Don't worry, I was down in the garden yesterday....
I covered these two Hibiscus, my Clerodendrum Ugandense, and all the other tropical plants. I also covered a lot of smaller plants with plant pots just to make sure.
Then I grouped together all the plants on the balcony and stuck them in a corner. I bought in my other Clerodendrum Ugandense and Ixora.
If the weather turns out to be mild.....better for us.
25 Jan, 2012
That sounds like a good idea. The plant I would be most concerned for...would be the Ixora, as it's very tropical and doesn't tolerate cold very well at all.
25 Jan, 2012
My C.ugandense took a frost but threw all its leaves off in disgust at the way that I treated it!
25 Jan, 2012
Sorry to hear about that! I though C. ugandense was hardier. Was it a heavy frost?
25 Jan, 2012
My C. Ugandense has no leaves at the moment either.
Ixora will surprise you.....full of leaves and it's going to bloom soon.
25 Jan, 2012
I'm shocked!!! C. ungandense is much, much hardier than Ixora.
Remember: some tropical plants can experience delayed cold damage.
My Ixora plants are still blooming. Although, they're getting over taken by some weeds. lol! :>)
26 Jan, 2012
-3°c Delonix.........
Back in the conservatory now and covered in new growth. Looks like it will bush out rather nicely, so leads me to think that it should get a hard prune every year.
26 Jan, 2012
So glad to hear your C. ugandense is recovering nicely!
-3ºC is a very hard frost/freeze! If I had that temp in my garden, everything would be dead!
26 Jan, 2012
My Ixora will not suffer! It's nice and cozy in my warm house.
I'm thinking I need to have an extension build!
26 Jan, 2012
I need a new big house build with a huge greenhouse and a gigantic lath-house for my shade plants. lol! :>)
27 Jan, 2012
Sounds great. As soon as this recession is over I'm going to close off my back balcony with glass! It's not as big as I would like but it will have to do for now. At least I can create a little jungle out there for winter!
My Plumeria would have died this winter if it was in the garden...I looks like they are going to be grown in pots or I can plant one in the garden and protect it in the winter......
27 Jan, 2012
Sounds like a terrific idea!
Yes, your little Plumeria seedlings definitely would have died in the cold you've been having. Even very large trees can die if the temps go below freezing for any length of time.
27 Jan, 2012
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Most Abutilons will tolerate temps down to at least 25ºF/-3.9ºC. without damage.
23 Jan, 2012