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Phalaenopsis rebloom

Phalaenopsis rebloom

This is my other white Phal...

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Reminds me of a wimple.


25 Jan, 2012


great photo !!!

25 Jan, 2012


Beautiful :o)

25 Jan, 2012


Another One ! My last flower has dropped off..Going to move them to another window.

25 Jan, 2012


Thank you Severnside, Paul and Amy.

25 Jan, 2012


Yes Pimpernel, you can see my other in the background. Mine are near a South facing window...they love it here. There are four Phals there at the moment. Waiting for the purple one to bloom now.
Where do you keep yours?

25 Jan, 2012


I am south facing Alex..I think draught may be the problem.

25 Jan, 2012



Last year I had my purple one near my wood burner and all the flowers just fell off. Moved it fast.
They are doing real good where they are now and they are not going to be moved.

25 Jan, 2012


No you mustn't...If it aint broke

25 Jan, 2012


If it aint broke?

25 Jan, 2012


English expression..." If it is not Broken, do not fix it"

25 Jan, 2012


Oh, I see...

25 Jan, 2012


wow thats a beauty, love the light coming through

25 Jan, 2012


American expression Pimp, we didn't invent and coin quite everything - most though ;)

25 Jan, 2012


We invented Americans ...

25 Jan, 2012


Touché :)))

25 Jan, 2012


How did you get the accent on the E ?

25 Jan, 2012


just what i was wondering.

25 Jan, 2012


It's ä secret.

Lol ok, just google the word, copy the text, paste here. You can copy bold and it still comes out normal here.


25 Jan, 2012


Thank you Sticki.

25 Jan, 2012


you tease SS ~ but thanks for the answer

you are welcome alexandra

25 Jan, 2012


It's so, so beautiful! I really like the white ones!

26 Jan, 2012


Me too!

26 Jan, 2012


ωραία ιδέα, ωραία φωτο κόντρα στο φως

31 Jan, 2012


S'euxaristo Bik.

31 Jan, 2012

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This photo is of "Phalaenopsis Orchids" in Alexandramou's garden

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