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Hyacinth from Morrisons last week is flowering now

Hyacinth from Morrisons last week is flowering now

It has such a strong scent it's filling the conservatory.

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I really like Hyacinths,Homebird,but the scent is too overpowering for me..although we didn't have a Conservatory,when I last had some..maybe I will give them another try next year :o)

25 Jan, 2012


Beautiful Hb, those blue ones are the strongest of all aren't they....I had to put my pot outside, had a bad headache for 2 days then realized who the culprit was!

25 Jan, 2012


I didn't know that some had a stronger scent than others..I imagined they would all be the same..

25 Jan, 2012


The blues always seem to be stronger Bloomer, it must be their original colour. I bought the pink ones specially so they wouldn't be too strong, but phwar!!!

25 Jan, 2012


lovely Homebird - they're very strong aren't they, I like to get a load of scented plants - these included

26 Jan, 2012


ours just coming out now - some may not live - bulbs I am not so good at

26 Jan, 2012


gorgeous, Morrisons here are opening their garden centre bit early Feb

26 Jan, 2012


We are lucky,homebird,as they have a big outdoor section..and thanks for that,Val..I will be paying a visit before long then !:o)

26 Jan, 2012


the girl who works outside told us they re open the gC in Feb Bloomer, if I see it open I will let you know straight away,

27 Jan, 2012


Ok,Val,thanks..we called in there on Saturday,after going to the Farm shop at Shelley,for a will be nice when they start again..

27 Jan, 2012

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