The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Meanie

Cymbidium (Cymbidium)

The second one is now blooming!

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thats fabulous!!

31 Jan, 2012


Thanks Sticki!
The second spike is just starting to open too.

31 Jan, 2012


wow! it will be spectacular!

31 Jan, 2012


Ooooh yes!

31 Jan, 2012


Ooooh wow....beautiful.

31 Jan, 2012


Thanks Alex!

31 Jan, 2012


nice specimen Meanie, good colouring is it a named one?

31 Jan, 2012


Thanks SL - not a named specimen I'm afraid. £4.99 from the bargain bin a couple of years ago!

31 Jan, 2012


It looks terrific! I wish mine would bloom again! :>)

I just purchased Dendrobium kingianum for $7.00 last week. It had dozen or so flower spikes. I gave up on my old plant...which will be thrown in the trash.

1 Feb, 2012


Crikey Delonix!
You moan when it's cold (relative term), yet you want these orchids to rebloom - you can't have one without the other!

1 Feb, 2012


I actually have a pinkish-mauve Cymbidium which used to bloom every year (because it's the easiest and most widely grown orchid in California, outside). I used to bring my plant indoors every year, when it bloomed. However, it got neglected for a couple of years. Now, it's coming back and is looking great! However, it most likely won't bloom until next year.

As far as I know, Cymbidiums can only spike when grown outdoors here in California. They need cool nights to develop their flower spike.

We don't ask for much here in California, do we? LOL! :>)

Here's an old pics of my Cymbidium:

1 Feb, 2012


I remember that!

I leave mine outdoors as close to the frosts as I dare!

1 Feb, 2012


Yes, they need cool nightly temps to initiate they're buds. This is like many orchids.

2 Feb, 2012


Although the Cyms like it cooler than the others..............

2 Feb, 2012



You like the way I butchered the English language by saying "they're buds" in the previous comment? lol! :>)

Yes, Cymbidiums are really hardy! They don't tolerate very hot sun, though. They do tolerate daytime heat well.

2 Feb, 2012


Easy peasy HB!
How much were they?

14 Feb, 2012


Go back and grab one then!

14 Feb, 2012


Remind here this evening and I'll give you an overview of "care".

14 Feb, 2012

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