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Cordyline Australis


By Lijemc

Cordyline Australis

This cordyline must be around 40 years old and it has survived everything. It even spawned a baby once which self -planted itself and looked like it would thrive as well. Sadly, we don't have room, so it had to go.

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Great to see that yours has survived winter 2011, I had seven, all were affected by the harsh winter of 2011, I cut them all down to 12 inches, leaving the trunks in, 3 of them have grown back from the roots so far, the rest are still in the ground but no sign of growth, I am thinking... if they do not sprout off anything by Spring this year, then I count them as perished. :(((

13 Feb, 2012


Michaela, I hope they start sprouting for you by Spring.

14 Feb, 2012


i lost 12 last year i also cut them down to stumps dug 2 out what a job that was the other 10 have reshooted and are about 4ft tall now and looking good

11 Jun, 2012

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