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Looking for food !

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Aw poor thing!

6 Feb, 2012



6 Feb, 2012


Well caught, there are foxes that come to mine and neighbours gardens every evening at dusk. It's nice to put out some scraps and wait for one to suddenly appear. I'll try and set up a camera but it's always as the light fades.

7 Feb, 2012


Good shot Rose...he's a beauty!

7 Feb, 2012


Thanks all of you. Sometimes we have a family of four come and its lovely to watch them play. I never seem to be quick enough to get a shot of them all together.

7 Feb, 2012


Fabulous picture!

10 Feb, 2012


Wonderful capture Rose . . well done.

15 Feb, 2012


Thanks Muddy.

15 Feb, 2012

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