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This is what we saw when we opened the front door on Sunday morning. Its the identical shape of the letter box.

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How funny Rose!

6 Feb, 2012


Sorry but I refuse to click like on this one!

6 Feb, 2012


Love to see it all but glad when it has gone, hopefully soon. Lovely and clean for a while then it gets all soggy and mucky.

7 Feb, 2012


lol..brilliant fun. I couldn't have worked that out if you hadn't explained it!

7 Feb, 2012


It was my hubby who saw it and it was a little solid wall which had iced up to stay in this shape.

7 Feb, 2012


Don't worry Lil, it'll soon be spring!

7 Feb, 2012


Yes Lil, it doesn't seem like it right now, but we are on the downhill run now! February is the worst month isn't frustrating!

7 Feb, 2012


We've been very fortunate so far. Felt like spring here yesterday, reached +10. Looks like Europe has gotten our typical winter.
I don't mind February KS as I always feel it is winters last hurrah with March merely weeks away :)

7 Feb, 2012


Very good, Rose. I like that but I'm glad it wasn't outside my door. Hope all is well with you. I am much better now I'm glad to say...

9 Feb, 2012


Nice to see you back Breda. Lets hope you stay well.

9 Feb, 2012


Blimey Rose - I need to go to Sp***avers! Until I read your description I thought I was looking at an outdoor sofa in your garden!!! . . . could be my age though . . lol!

13 Feb, 2012


It is weird , isn't it!

14 Feb, 2012

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