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Gloriosa rothschildiana - The Glory Lily

Gloriosa rothschildiana - The Glory Lily (Gloriosa rothschildiana)

The petals start off greenish before turning orange and then a bright red, followed by a darker red when the petals close before it dies.

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What do you feed yours?

8 Feb, 2012


Normally I just pot it up each year in a good compost and give it plenty of water when it starts growth, as it's a very thirsty plant! (Normally twice a day and I leave it it a large saucer of water) Last year I fed it with Miracle Grow as I wanted to beat the number of flowers I'd had the year before! The plant didn't grow any more in height than previous years and I had 12 flowers less! Might go back to just plain old tap water again this year!!

8 Feb, 2012


Much the same care regime as me then, although mine go outdoors for the summer. Have enough tubers to keep some indoors too this year, so I'll give that a go.

9 Feb, 2012


I've never tried this one outside. Do you keep it in a pot with support? How tall does it grow? This one will grow 7 ft or more and I support it with canes until it eventually reaches the conservatory rafters/trestle's (the pretty tubes that run across the roof!)
Think I might have ago outside this year!

9 Feb, 2012


Up to the height of the support, at which point it will just stop growing. Grown in a pot, as it's easier to just dry out and shove in the cupboard under the stairs until time to re-pot.
You should have more than enough tubers by now to try.

9 Feb, 2012

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