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Snowdrops in middle border

Snowdrops in middle border

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Great bunches of snowdrops there B, love it love it love it..:))

16 Feb, 2012


thank you :o)))

16 Feb, 2012


Do they self seed and spread ?

16 Feb, 2012


Nice to see aren't they. I hope to be able to increase mine this year. :-)

16 Feb, 2012


Mushy they can be grown from seed but take an age to produce anything - much better to split them when they are still green and transplant them around the borders. Apparently snowdrops split well when green and produce flowers much quicker that way. Hope that helps.

16 Feb, 2012


That looks so much like Michaella's garden! :)

16 Feb, 2012


I am blushing Karen :)))) your mum's garden looks more cottagey than mine, I love cottage gardens, this is why I keep splitting mine so much :)))

16 Feb, 2012


Yes I agree Karen, little rooms up the middle split by differing heights of trellis and climbing frames, I always think that about mine and Michaellas, although mine seems wider and Michaellas is longer so we are the other way on if you see what I mean. lol. I know what I mean :o)))

16 Feb, 2012


Thanks Olive :o))

16 Feb, 2012


Yup, that makes perfect sense if you're talking about the gardens ;)

16 Feb, 2012


Looking great in Winter can see the framework of the Garden, proper...:))

17 Feb, 2012



17 Feb, 2012

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