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I was levelling the ground where the worktable used to be and where it will be again, when I saw these. Anything trying this hard to sruvive has to be applauded, and assisted. I got them out intact and potted them; the bulbs werewhite and round and might be bluebells, but what I don't know about bulbs would fill a library. Hope they'll give me the chance to identify them later by flowering.

Comments on this photo


You're right Fran, after all they've been through, they deserve a chance!

23 Feb, 2012


just put some dirt in the pots for now, I'll repot them properly later, give them, I hope, a bit more of a lift

23 Feb, 2012


Went outside just now, saw the pots on their sides on the ground: something knocked them off the table and spilled half the dirt; one bulb was completely exposed, the other nearly so. Put more compost in the pots.

Two other pots show signs of excavation and another one had been knocked to the ground and had spilled half the contents.

I don't know if the "something" is after the plants themselves, or using the pots to burrow/bury stuff, or they just get in the way when the "something" is having a run round the garden, but I'm going to have to get the siced chili out, and the bark chips, and - and - I'll probably end up turning the whole garden into a Colditz

26 Feb, 2012


Oh what a shame Fran, wonder what it was? It's upsetting when something like that happens.

26 Feb, 2012


*s* I'm feeling a little bit down, especially after browsing other pictures in GoYPedia - they've got rolling acres, or so it seems to me, with beautiful vistas and gloriuos beds and displays, and here's me faffing about a couple of pots being knocked over!!

Still, got to make the best of what I have. And it is less than a year since I started, so small acorns, etc. lol I wanted to be close to nature - this is a case of be careful what you wish for! but somehow this aspect never gets mentioned in the gardening books I've read.

26 Feb, 2012


You've got to consider Fran that when photos are displayed on here, only the good ones are put on. Everyone has dead plants, rubbish corners etc. but these are not shown! I'm sure yours is as good as anyone elses. Chin up and don't let yourself get down. Anything that does grow is an achievement. :-))

26 Feb, 2012


thanks, love. I should have remembered that bit in Desiderata, paraphrased as: Don't compare yourself to others, there'll always be better [gardens] than yours.

I've done a fair bit of work outside last week or so, but no actual gardening: think I was getting withdrawal pains.

Just been outside and done some work - nothing like raising a sweat to raise one's spirits! Expended one sack of bark about various pots, cut the ornamental grasses back, watered lightly and fed - can't believe how dry some of them were.

As I watered the plants, it'll probably rain later. Apologies if it does; you'll know who to blame

26 Feb, 2012


I'm guilty of watering today as well Fran. The ground was so dry ...
You sound a bit more cheerful!

26 Feb, 2012


thanks, Sheilar, for sharing the blame, if there's any to go around.

I do feel better, thanks; sitting at the PC too much isn't good for one, even sitting down and GoYing! One gets into habits by inches and then suddenly finds onself ten feet down with no real idea how one got there, and climbing out again takes effort. I'm on the way up, thanks to some lovely GoYers


26 Feb, 2012


:-)) X

26 Feb, 2012


There's still a bit of snow around, but I had to get the hosepipe out today: it's been so hot and dry for the last 4-5 days, all the newly planted trees and container plants were thirsty!

1 Mar, 2012


nods, doesn't seem possible that they could be so dry so soon, but they don't store moisture like camels, to use later. We've got an offfical drought over here, so hosepipes, if not banned yet, are frowned upon. Does that happen often, or even at all, your way?

2 Mar, 2012


We have a sort of system, but not an outright ban - too much danger of mountain fires in the dry season, otherwise. In the hot, dry months, word will go out that you are only supposed to use piped water between 8.00a.m. and sunset for "personal" use. That's why in the hot, hot days of July, I am up and about at 5.30a.m., watering and keeping things in the garden alive while it's cool, and the sun's coming up. Best time of the day/month/year. Magic.

2 Mar, 2012


Oh, yes, you did mention that in another post. Sorry, I forgot, durr.

any chance you could get a pit dug and let it fill for a pond/resevoir/swimming pool? though it would'nt tay full long in the heat you get unless you got a lot of rain, so on balance probably not

2 Mar, 2012

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