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Plumeria rubra 'Tricolor'

Plumeria rubra 'Tricolor'  (Plumeria rubra 'Tricolor')

Another summer photo because of the hot weather making it feel very summer-like today.

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As always - beautiful!

5 Mar, 2012



5 Mar, 2012


Thanks guys! :>)

I hope I can get this plant to bloom this year. It's been a few years since I've seen flowers on it. It so desperately needs to be put into the ground.

5 Mar, 2012


I showed my mom these three pictures today....she loves the Plumeria's. I gave her a seedling last year but she didn't really know what to expect. I'm sure she's going to give it a lot of tlc now.

5 Mar, 2012


That's great! I hope it blooms for her soon! :>)

5 Mar, 2012



6 Mar, 2012


This one is a stunning colour...............

6 Mar, 2012


This could be what yours will look like next year Milky! ;o)))

7 Mar, 2012


Thanks, Milky! This Plumeria is desperately wanting to go into the ground. It's been in this pot for almost 10 years.

7 Mar, 2012



Yes, let's hope Milky's Plumeria will be full of flowers this coming summer! :>)

7 Mar, 2012


Ah, that's good...10 years in a pot. How big is this pot?

7 Mar, 2012


I've had plumerias in pots for more than 20 years.

This plumeria is in a 10 gallon terra cotta pot. Large plumerias need a lot of nutrients and fertilizer. Unfortunately, the pot is not big enough.

8 Mar, 2012


This is great news....there is no way I am planting my Plumeria in the garden. (not after this winter).

8 Mar, 2012


Plumerias will usually stay pretty small in pots. What's nice is, the smaller the pot, the smaller the plant will stay (in most cases).

9 Mar, 2012


How low of a temp can they tolerate? They will be living in a sunny unheated room next their new pots. Just outside of this door will be my Plumeria that's an idea, I have five different types. Oh Plumeria heaven....;o)))

10 Mar, 2012


Plumerias do not tolerate freezing temps. The cell tissues will burst and develop freeze damage at or below freezing.

With the above being said: if the temp is freezing and the plant is in a very protected area, it should survive. This is true if the temp doesn't stay at or below freezing for a long time. Hope this helps! :>)

10 Mar, 2012

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