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Plant House


By Samjp

Plant House

The best Christmas present ever, my lovely lovely plant house :))

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wow, that's a ery economical use of a small space.

Always wondered if the plants at the back would get enough light - even in my 4-tier mini greenhoiuse which had light on all sides. And annoying prob of when plants start merging with mesh shelf above!

What are the dimensions of this? I must say, they do look comfortable, and nothing seems crowded or short of light

14 Mar, 2014


Thanks Fran. It's not looking quite as neat anymore lol (probably doesn't help having the wind blow it up the garden this winter).

I can't remember exact dimensions but I think it's about 2m high about 80cm wide maybe and around 2 x 2l plant pots deep lol. I've got the dimensions somewhere, just not sure where.

Some of the plants can get a bit shaded out sometimes, but that can be useful for plants that prefer more shade. Otherwise I rotate them. I did take some of the shelving grates out last year when the plants got too tall. Worked beautifully.

Only downside is trying to get bubble wrap to stick through winter lol. I've yet to work out how to do it.

This summer I'm thinking about using capilliary matting and some sort of watering system if I've got many plants in there. It's a nightmare keeping things well watered.

14 Mar, 2014


oh, rough diemsnsions was all I wanted, to scale it in my mind.

I kept a lot of plants in my 4-tier, cos nowhere else to keep them, especially over-winter; they did get a bit cramped in all dimensions - the sheles were deeper than yours look, so plants in the middle got shorted on aailable light.

I bought some fleece sheets and just wrapped that outside the cover, cos i didn't want to take the cover off to fit the fleece inside, and didn't want to buy a fitted thermal cover - didn't look elegant, but worked.

would that be an option for you? wrap outside and weight it down (I stuck corners with all-weather tape, it worked)

Would gravel trays be any use? the plants could get what they wanted, when they wanted, and it would belp create a moist bioclimate.

14 Mar, 2014


I thought about wrapping it round the outside but though it would be a pain when opening doors or the roof so left it. My biggest problems been getting anything to stick on the roof for more than 5 minutes. Everywhere else the shelves help to hold it in place.

Poor plants have lived in there for more than a year now, waiting for me to sort the garden. I've lost a few from drought (oops) but they've not done too badly.

Ooh gravel trays, that's a good idea. May be easier than capilliary matting (or maybe with capilliary matting) plus it'll weigh it down and stop it moving lol. I will secure it to the garage wall - that'll stop it moving.

15 Mar, 2014


my 4-tier had a double-zip door, I just hung a sheet over that, with a turned-back bit of tape so it'd stick down at the side but also to make a handle so I could unstick it.. The all-weather tape held up quite well

Could you fix the roof coer to the fence, and just let it hang down? it could hang down a bit, just need turning back to get the door open or closed - trying to see how it opens - the right side looks thicker, does it slide, or hinge?

Mats with trays would probably be best. I had bits of material down into the water to bring the water up, and more material flat on top to take it up.

15 Mar, 2014


The doors slide open and the roof opens upwards from the front. The pictures an old one from when I was at moms. It's now in front of the garage. Interesting idea though attaching the cover to the wall and letting it hang. May be worth a go when the greenhouse is fixed. Would have to make sure the cover was well fixed though else it'd be off down the garden lol.

I had been thinking about laying mats on the shelves with small water buckets underneath (somehow) with more matting acting as wicks. Think your idea would work better though so thanks.

15 Mar, 2014


glad to help! if the lid opens at the front, attach it to the wall behind and tuck the front under the lid? If the sides are tucked in as well (or at least the windy side) that should stop the wind getting under it and lifting it.

Or tape the coer on the inside of the lid, so it stays put when you open it? otherwise, if it's just tucked, it'll come loose and flap ahout every time you open it.

and maybe hang the front cover over the front when the lid's open? then it can be lifted out of the way for access - but would still need securing at the side, at least at the windwrd side, to hold it in place.

lol if I'm getting "too helpful" don't hesitate to mention it!

16 Mar, 2014


That's not a bad idea Fran. I might have a go next time I winterise. My other though was using a more weather proof tape. I've got bubble wrap cut to size now and the shelves hold the sides in place. It's the top and back I have the biggest issue with. It's ok for a week or two then starts falling off. So it's either your suggestion or stronger tape lol. I think your idea might be the best.

Lol your definately not being "too" helpful

16 Mar, 2014


that's why I did my 4-tier on the outside, easier to get at the back in one piece! is there a small gap at the back? you could bubble-wrap a board and slide it down. as it doesn't get any light cos of the fence, could be semi-permanent.

lol cover that with strong tinfoil and you'd get the insulation plus extra light reflected on to the plants at the back. (my old local pound shop did two small space blankets for a quid)

how about making wire U-shapes, hairpin style - fold the wrap under, slide the clip on, and that should hold it in place. Or something similar that would mean not having to rely on tape.

:-} thanks for the reassuance!

17 Mar, 2014


Since the greenhouse went for a walk yesterday there's more that a "small gap" at the back now - took it to the courtyard in the front so it doesn't get dug up (landscapers started this morning YAY). When it goes back I'm planning to screw it to the garage wall, so may not be much of a gap then, but I'll bear your idea in mind. Would be a good way of getting extra light.

The back isn't too bad if I'm honest, I've got a huge sheet of bubble wrap I drape right down the back from top to bottom, so the shelves help hold it in place. Last year I did ok with it, it stayed attached on the top level all winter. This year it flopped within a week lol.

Hmmm not sure how I'd attached the clips to the frame. My greenhouse is an aluminium frame with slats to slot the polycarbonate sheets into, the only gaps in the whole thing (other than open doors and base lol) is the 4 screw holes in the back to secure it to something. I suppose the clips could work on the sides, I could wrap them round the shelf posts. Still doesn't help the roof though lol.

17 Mar, 2014


lol a greenhouse gone walkabout?? didn't have triffids in it, did it?

sure you;ll work something out "for now" and some of it might beocme permanent, as you work out what works and what works better. Do keep us updated, please!

18 Mar, 2014


Lol no I'm pretty sure the triffids were firmly rooted in the back garden (till the digger came along *evil laugh*).

I'll have a play with ideas next winter, see what I can come up with. I'll try to remember to post pictures. May even make an amusing blog; so far I've winterised it in the dark (makes for an interesting task) and in a bit of a breeze (makes hanging onto the bubble wrap a tad interesting), wonder what the next attempt will throw at me lol. Thinking about it, its no wonder I have problems keeping the stuff attached lol.

18 Mar, 2014


look forward to seeing pics and-or a blog. theoretically, the worst of hte weather has gone, though they keep predicting snow, so you never know when it'll be needed.

Sure you'll find some way that works for now, and think of ways to tweak it as time goes on and other ideas present themselves. lol just make it quick and easy to put on, cos it might be needed in a hurry

18 Mar, 2014


Ugh no snow please.

The greenhouse is still winterised at the moment - which reminds me I need to go out and close it - and will remain that way until next month most likely. Saves me a lot of trouble to leave it, particularly with how long I'm out the house each day. Its far easier to open it up on the warmer days than keep running round with winter covers lol (yep I'm lazy lol).

19 Mar, 2014


not lazy, good wrinkle! it's better safe than sorry - must be better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it - or not have it in place.

19 Mar, 2014


Lol thanks Fran I like it, must remember that - I'm not lazy I'm cautious lol

20 Mar, 2014


lol glad to be of service!

20 Mar, 2014

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