The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

heuchera 1 - 120320

heuchera 1 - 120320

five months after buying: I've got two, on different levels of my washing-up-rack plant stand. There's quite a difference between them, not sure how much the placement has to do wih it!

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This looks like one I have inherited with the garden - have you any idea what kind it is, Fran? I thought it might be dead, but a few weeks of warm weather has kicked it back into growth.

27 Mar, 2012


the labe, wasn't specific, but I'm trying to match it with listed plants on the BBC and other plant-finder sites. If it does flower, that'll help me narrow it down considerably! but till then, I'm going to have to use general care instructions.

Still, that's what I get for impulse-buying at Lidl!

27 Mar, 2012

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This photo is of "Heuchera "Plum Pudding"?" in Franl155's garden

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