The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Franl155's Garden

Franl155 has added 0 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent

0 new shrub 15

Added on 11 Apr, 2014 | 5 photos

0 new Shrub 5

Added on 30 Mar, 2014 | 6 photos

0 new Shrub 6

Added on 30 Mar, 2014 | 2 photos

looks like dead grass at the moment!

moved it when I did this bed; it was crammed under the Ribes and had lit...

Allium Blue Drumstick

Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 1 photo

bulbs planted 140309 so will be a while before I can add pics to this plant

Anemone Blanda

Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 1 photo

bulbs not planted yet - the pack instructions said that the plant should be lifted eery year, so I need to know ...

Bluebell, English

Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 0 photos

Bought four packs of bulbs to maximise chances of getting at least some! Can only find three now, so must have ...

Bronze New Zealand Hair Sedge

Added on 15 Jan, 2012 | 2 photos

Genus: Carex.
Species: Carex comans.

I finally went to a garden centre that I've been trying to find for ages - with heroic restraint, I only bou...

buddleia Black Knight

Added on 30 May, 2014 | 10 photos

bought 140522, planted 140525

checked on Google, this plant apprently grows to 4 metres high and wide - would...

Campanula Blue Cups

Added on 2 Sep, 2014 | 2 photos

Genus: Campanula.
Species: Campanula Blue Cups.

140829 - a gift from Samjp, "plant B" on her list and so labelled in my pot - easier than writing out ...

Christmas Cactus

Added on 27 Aug, 2012 | 4 photos

Species: Schlumbergera truncata.

Steragram very kindly sent me a leaf cutting; fingers crossed I do it right this time, I've never been able ...

Coreopsis Early Surprise

Added on 2 Sep, 2014 | 1 photo

Genus: Coreopsis.
Species: Coreopsis Early Surprise.

140829 - a gift from Samjp, "plant C" on her list and so labelled in my pot - easier than writing out ...

Crocus "Pickwick"

Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 3 photos

GoYer friend suggested that it might be this variety.

Crocus, Snow

Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 2 photos

bulbs planted 140307 so will be a while before I can add pics to this plant. Don't know how this differs fr...

curry plant

Added on 30 May, 2014 | 1 photo

Genus: Helichrysum.
Species: Helichrysum italicum.

bought 140522, planted 140523 - £2 from Asda.


Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 1 photo

Don't know which type - long trumpet, plain petals

Feather Grass

Added on 22 Sep, 2014 | 1 photo

Genus: Stipa.
Species: Stipa tenuissima.

gift from Shirley Tulip 140922


Added on 6 Apr, 2014 | 8 photos

spotted them growing 140401 - Terratoonie ID'd them for me

got about half a dozen sizeable clumps showing...

forsythia (new shrub 12)

Added on 11 Apr, 2014 | 5 photos

Genus: Forsythia.
Species: Forsythia.

I looked for the botanical name, but apart from Wiki's general entry, it lists 13 varieties, no idea which o...

Fuschia Snowcap

Added on 22 Sep, 2014 | 1 photo

Species: Fuschia.

gift from Shirley Tulip 140922

Geranium (new shrub 32)

Added on 30 Apr, 2014 | 7 photos

didn't get any pictures of it when I came to view hte property; looked like a load od dead, dry grass! but ...

Geranium 1

Added on 11 Apr, 2014 | 1 photo


the mother of many, at least by size! three large clumps in the back garden, at least half a dozen in...

Geranium Bill Wallis

Added on 25 Jun, 2012 | 2 photos

Genus: Geranium.
Species: Geranium pyrenaicum.

thanks to Bjs for sending me this baby - been on windowsill till yesterday.

Glory of the Snow

Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 0 photos

bulbs planted 140307 so will be a while before I can add pics to this plant


Added on 11 Oct, 2014 | 1 photo

Genus: Cupressus.
Species: Cupressus macrocarpa.

bought: 140626
planted: 140622 - wth Trailing Lobelia

Grape Hyacinth

Added on 13 May, 2014 | 6 photos

Genus: Muscari.
Species: Muscari latifolium.

Inherited from preious tenants, who must have liked them a lot! or left them to spread.

grass - one of three types but don't know which

Added on 18 May, 2011 | 3 photos

I bought three grasses on the same day, and noted the label names, then looked each up on the BBC Plant Finder -...

Heather 40

Added on 19 Oct, 2011 | 12 photos

I've no idea what kind of heather it is, or even if it's an erica or the other one - which makes finding...

hebe Pink Lady

Added on 18 May, 2011 | 4 photos

Can't find this plant on Shoot!, RHS, BBC or Dave's Garden - all got pelnty of "pink" and &quo...

Heuchera "Plum Pudding"?

Added on 19 Oct, 2011 | 10 photos

Don't know if this is the right name, it's the closest match I could find on the BBC Plant-finder

I h...

Heuchera Blackberry Jam

Added on 18 Sep, 2012 | 3 photos

Genus: Heuchera.
Species: Heuchera Blackberry Jam.

gift from Karensusan63 120916

Heuchera Hollywood

Added on 18 Sep, 2012 | 1 photo

Genus: Heuchera.
Species: Heuchera Hollywood.

gift from Karensusan63 120916

Heuchera Karen (real name unknown)

Added on 18 Sep, 2012 | 1 photo

Genus: Heuchera.
Species: Heuchera Karen.

gift from Karensusan63 120916

Heuchera Marmalade

Added on 10 Apr, 2015 | 1 photo

friend Ron took me to a couple of Welsh garden centres. I did very well, only bought one plant at the second!

Heuchera Petit Marbled Burgundy

Added on 22 Oct, 2012 | 1 photo

Genus: Heuchera.
Species: Heuchera Petit Marbled Burgundy.

from Dorjac 120927

planted in biodegradable peat pot; upgraded to proper pot week later.

Heuchera Shirley

Added on 22 Sep, 2014 | 1 photo

gift from Shirley Tulop 140922 - type unknown, so I’m calling it Heuchera Shirley

holly - shrub 19

Added on 10 Apr, 2015 | 3 photos

Genus: Ilex.
Species: Ilex aquifolium.

inherited from previous tenant.


Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 3 photos

bulbs planted 140307 so will be a while before I can add pics to this plant

Hosta Fire and Ice

Added on 22 Sep, 2014 | 1 photo

Genus: Hosta.
Species: Hosta.

gift from Shirley Tulip 140914

hyacinth, possibly!

Added on 5 Apr, 2014 | 6 photos

first noticed it 140308 - seems to be only one so far

Iris Reticula "Harmony"

Added on 11 Mar, 2014 | 3 photos

given to me as a parting gift by Hira, my befriender, in Novmeber.
Found tham again in February, planted them o...

Iris, miniature

Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 6 photos

bulbs planted 140307 so will be a while before I can add pics to this plant

Ivy 1

Added on 15 Sep, 2012 | 1 photo

Genus: Hedera.
Species: Hedera.

don't know which variety this is

Japanese Sedge - Ice Dance

Added on 18 May, 2011 | 7 photos

Genus: Carex.
Species: Carex Morowii - Ice Dance.

As near as I can tell, the label calls it Japanese Sedge, with the above name

Lady's Mantle

Added on 22 Sep, 2014 | 1 photo

Genus: Alchemilla.
Species: Alchemilla mollis.

from Shirley Tulip 140922


Added on 20 May, 2014 | 2 photos

Genus: Convallaria.
Species: Convallaria majalis.

1470515 - only noticed these when I'd cutback the overhanging bindweed and trimmed to Cotoneasters back

Mahonia (new shrub 16)

Added on 11 Apr, 2014 | 3 photos

this shrub sits behind shrub 15, and appears to be split around it - can't imagne there being room for two i...

Narcissus Canaliculatus

Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 0 photos

bulbs planted 140305 - be a while before I can put pics to this + even if I can work out which of the six variet...

Narcissus Jetfire

Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 2 photos

bulbs planted 140305 - be a while before I can put pics to this + even if I can work out which of the six variet...

Narcissus Minnow

Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 0 photos

bulbs planted 140305 - be a while before I can put pics to this + even if I can work out which of the six variet...

Narcissus Quail

Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 0 photos

bulbs planted 140305 - be a while before I can put pics to this + even if I can work out which of the six variet...

Narcissus Tete-a-Tete

Added on 25 Feb, 2012 | 6 photos

Feb 24th: bought half a dozen in small pot at Sainsbury's - succumbed to temptation - at last a plant...

Narcissus Thalia

Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 1 photo

bulbs planted 140305 - be a while before I can put pics to this + even if I can work out which of the six variet...

navelwort 'Cherry Ingram'

Added on 14 May, 2012 | 3 photos

Genus: Omphalodes.
Species: Omphalodes cappadocica.

from Bjs, arrived 120509 - not sure which subspecies: it has blue flowers so that narrows it down a bit - think ...

Pampas Grass 140206

Added on 20 Feb, 2014 | 1 photo

Was given three off-cuts via Freecycle. In pots for now till I can decide where they're going to go



Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 1 photo

bought 140305, planted 130308. There don't seem to be many squirrels here (only seen two [or one twice] in ...

peony tree

Added on 8 May, 2015 | 1 photo

Genus: Paeonia.
Species: Paeonia.

from Gary the gardener 150416. Not sure what variety it is: Wiki shows pink flowers, RHS shows white, so will ...

Phacelia tanacetifolia

Added on 29 Jun, 2014 | 3 photos

Genus: Phacelia.
Species: Phacelia tanacetifolia.

planted 1404 as a "blue garden" pack of seeds - only thing that's come up blue so far!
GoYers ID&...

Pieris (new Shrub 7)

Added on 30 Mar, 2014 | 3 photos

Thanks, Scottish, Karen and Gee for triple confirmation!

Potentilla aka Cinquefoil (Shrub 4)

Added on 30 Mar, 2014 | 5 photos

Genus: Potentilla.
Species: Potentilla reptans.

to one side and in front of the flowering Quince.

moved it when I did that bed, it's now more forwrd and ...


Added on 10 Jul, 2014 | 7 photos

bought 6-pack from Co-op 140526
plnated in reaised bed few days later
munched to pieces within a week

Prunus laurocerasus (new shrub 11)

Added on 11 Apr, 2014 | 2 photos

Genus: Prunus.
Species: Prunus laurocerasus.

it's got a lot taller since this pic!

thanks to CottageKaren and Dorjac for the ID

Quince 3

Added on 11 Mar, 2014 | 4 photos

Genus: Chaenomeles.
Species: Chaenomeles speciosa.

ink this is the name that was in before: changed the title and all the other details vanished!


Added on 5 May, 2015 | 8 photos

Genus: Rheum.
Species: Rheum rhabarbarum.

150415 - from Ron. Huge root clump, he had to lift it out of the box for me!

rose 1

Added on 30 Mar, 2014 | 9 photos

Beleive this to be a rose bush because of the leaf shape and small fruit - hips? and thorns!

rose, miniature

Added on 10 Sep, 2013 | 9 photos

Genus: Rosa.
Species: rosa tiddlius.

bought at Sainsbury 130901 x 2

Scabious Beaujolais Bonnets

Added on 2 Sep, 2014 | 1 photo

Species: Scabious Beaujolais Bonnets.

140829 - a gift from Samjp, "plant D" on her list and so labelled in my pot - easier than writing out ...

Sedum - Stone Orpine?

Added on 19 Oct, 2011 | 10 photos

Genus: Sedum.
Species: Sedum rupestre.

Guessing at the exact type, since this is the only one on the BBC plant-finder site to have yellow flowers.

Snake's Head Fritillary

Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 0 photos

bulbs planted 140309 so will be a while before I can add pics to this plant


Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 3 photos

bulbs planted 140307 so will be a while before I can add pics to this plant

spider plant - St Bernard's lily

Added on 19 Apr, 2011 | 4 photos

Genus: Chlorophytum.
Species: Chlorophytum comosum.

I'd read that Spider plants could be put outdoors in summer - it helped to harden tehm. These ones seemed t...

Spirea Gold Flame (new Shrub 8)

Added on 30 Mar, 2014 | 11 photos

Genus: Spirea.
Species: Spirea Gold Flame.

thanks to Neellan for the ID

strawberry, var unknown

Added on 10 Apr, 2015 | 1 photo

inherited from preious tenant. was crammed in a corner between paving and shed, overshadowed by other plants. ...

tulip Tarda

Added on 24 Apr, 2014 | 1 photo

planted March 2014
miniature tulip, ID'd by CottageKaren

Tulip, miniature

Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 1 photo

bulbs planted 140307 so will be a while before I can add pics to this plant

tulip, Van Tuberten's miniature

Added on 22 Apr, 2014 | 5 photos

bulbs planted 140307 so will be a while before I can add pics to this plant

saw something red in my "blu...

Verbena bonariensis

Added on 2 Sep, 2014 | 1 photo

Genus: Verbena.
Species: Verbena bonariensis.

a gift from Samjp, "plant A" on her list and so labelled in my pot - easier than writing out the whole...

Water Lily

Added on 22 Sep, 2014 | 1 photo

gift from Shirley Tulip 140914

Welsh Poppy

Added on 11 May, 2014 | 4 photos

Genus: Meconopsis.
Species: Meconopsis cambrica.

amazing what Freecycle can do! I offered some seed trays, someone came to pick them up and started telling me t...

winter jasmine

Added on 10 Apr, 2015 | 1 photo

Genus: Jasminum.
Species: Jasminum nudiflorum.

given to me by Gary the gardener 150307

x conifer - one-tree forest #1

Added on 18 May, 2011 | 7 photos

I've no idea what plant this is, other than some kind of conifer
This pot has a reservoir underneath, but n...

x Cotoneaster 20

Added on 13 May, 2014 | 7 photos

2 close together - 20 + 21
took me a while to realise these were two different plants of hte same type! at lea...

x lobelia, bush

Added on 30 May, 2014 | 0 photos

bought 140523, planted 140525

no idea of sub-species!

x lobelia, trailing

Added on 30 May, 2014 | 1 photo

bought 140523, planted 140525

botanical name: "we'll help" gives too many options! Google site...

x Snow-in-Summer

Added on 9 Mar, 2014 | 5 photos

only found what this was by a label I found a couple of inches down while thinning the plants. (Wrong!! it was ...

x Snowberry (new shrub 18)

Added on 11 Apr, 2014 | 4 photos


there were four shrubs crowded into one small corner, must have looked nice when they were all small, ...

x tulip

Added on 5 Apr, 2014 | 5 photos

planted under flowering Qunice; noticed something growing there, but no idea what till the blooms appreared


z Shrub 10

Added on 30 Mar, 2014 | 1 photo

z Berberis (new shrub 43)

Added on 30 Apr, 2014 | 8 photos

and hedge 44 on the left, both in need of a haircut

ID'd by CottageKaren

2016: given aay via F...

z Ceanothus 39

Added on 23 Apr, 2014 | 6 photos

130110 - Californai Lilac

ID'd by CottageKaren

hasn't changed much since I first saw it, except it...

z fuschia

Added on 1 Aug, 2014 | 4 photos

This was one of the few plants that I was able to identify from the flowers that were in bloom when I first view...

z shrub 38

Added on 23 Apr, 2014 | 8 photos

plonked in the middle of the front lawn with a tiny border round it - been calling it the "lollipop bush&qu...

Zebra grass

Added on 28 Aug, 2012 | 2 photos

Genus: Miscanthus.
Species: Miscanthus Zebrinus.

had this couple of years, just found out its name, or at least I think it's its name. The info I just found...

zz Butterfly bush

Added on 25 Feb, 2012 | 5 photos

BBC and RHS plant finders spell it with a "j", which is why they both turned up 0 results till Google...