Erythrina falcata - Brazilian Coral Tree, Corticeira-da-Serra Flowers
By Delonix1

25 Mar, 2012
The Brazilian Coral tree is blooming early this year with all the hot weather we've had. This is one of the few Erythrina species which typically blooms in summer. Photo taken March 21, 2012.
Comments on this photo
Fantastic, i'm starting to get a little jealous of all your fabulous Erythrinas :o)))
25 Mar, 2012
Yes, all the Erythrina trees have been blooming so well this year.
25 Mar, 2012
There's so many large Erythrina species which grow here. I'm not sure of the exact number...although, it's most likely more than 30 species.
25 Mar, 2012
How did you manage to take a picture of my tree??? ;o))))
(Wishful thinking)
Gorgeous picture Delonix.
28 Mar, 2012
It's a slow growing tree, perfect for a pot.
28 Mar, 2012
I might plant one in the garden???
I have four seedling left...gave one to my mom.
28 Mar, 2012
You don't have this species, do you?
If you have E. falcata, you're in for a hell of a long wait! It takes so many years (up to 15 year before it blooms for the first time). It's mostly grown from cuttings which only takes a year or so before it blooms. I've tried rooting cuttings without any success, to date. I will try again, though.
28 Mar, 2012, I don't have this species!
I couldn't wait that long!
28 Mar, 2012
That's good! lol! :>)
For some reason E. falcata is the slowest to bloom and growing. Most Erythrina species are extremely fast growing, though.
I can't begin to imagine how old this E. falcata it's about 60ft/18m tall:
29 Mar, 2012
I have Erythrina indica. My little seedlings are little trees now!!! You are right, the grow really fast.
29 Mar, 2012
E. indica is a really nice tropical tree. It grows here, also. However, isn't as common as many others.
Yes, they're very fast. Some species of Erythrina can grow 15ft/4.5m or more in one year...of course, it won't grow this fast in a pot. They're amazing trees.
29 Mar, 2012
Do you think I could plant this tree in my garden?
31 Mar, 2012
Erythrina indica is very, very tropical! This is the reason why it's not very widely grown here in San Diego.
31 Mar, 2012
That was fast! will grow in a pot and go indoors with the Plumeria's.
I moved my Plumeria's yesterday, the strong sun through the window was burning the leaves. They are in their "winter home" now. (unheated sunny room)
31 Mar, 2012
If it is truly Eyrthina indica, it's a very tropical tree. Sometimes seed sources may not be very reliable. When it gets older post some pics, I will be able to let you know if it's a true E. indica.
31 Mar, 2012
31 Mar, 2012
its like coral bead necklaces by the score!
6 Mar, 2013
Yes. I think they look like parrot beaks, also.
7 Mar, 2013
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This photo is of species Erythrina falcata - Brazilian Coral Tree, Corticeira-da-Serra.
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Ye gods - that is loaded Delonix!!
25 Mar, 2012