By Pimpernel

29 Mar, 2012
Comments on this photo
You lucky so and so!!!! :))))
29 Mar, 2012
:)))))) :)))))) :))))))) Lol
29 Mar, 2012
or are you the cat who got the cream? :))))))
29 Mar, 2012
what a great way to plan a garden!!
does the shed have to be in the sunny area??
29 Mar, 2012
it is already there...Brick as well :( . I am thinking using the walls to support a Pergola over the pond...So far ahead of myself. :)
29 Mar, 2012
or paint it red and make it into a japanese tea house!??
climbing things up it sounds a good idea
29 Mar, 2012
Do they know your are cutting down the trees Pimper?
is there planning permission for a ''Japanese tea house!?'' lol. but by gods you threw that camera up quite a ways ; )
Wheres the blog??
29 Mar, 2012
The trees are already cut...the pic is at least 4 years old, just a snap I took whilst wing walking.. ;)
29 Mar, 2012
i call that reply 'winging it'
29 Mar, 2012
Can I detect a few porkie pies here, Pim?
30 Mar, 2012
Only the wing walking Gattina..
30 Mar, 2012
I can tell, you know - no-one gets one past Gattina.
30 Mar, 2012
If it were not for me Vertigo....
I must wing walk...Does anyone have a Biplane ?
30 Mar, 2012
is that the star attraction at the picnic? pimpernel walking on the wing??
30 Mar, 2012
As far as picnics go Sticki...It is quite good.
Depending on the number of Biplanes available..
30 Mar, 2012
ah those magnificent men in their flying machines..........
30 Mar, 2012
It looks bigger from the air.... a bit worried now.!
30 Mar, 2012
about the wing walking or the gardening???
30 Mar, 2012
Pallet air? Porkie Pies...food!!
30 Mar, 2012
Oh Hello, STT! We might have known talk of picnics and food would call you up from the deep!
Sorry, Pim, I just sold my biplane on e-bay. How many did you need? Were you planning on something more than wing-walking? Wing-HOPPING, maybe? I can't watch!
30 Mar, 2012
Never touch the stuff!?
30 Mar, 2012
What stuff, Sticki? Did I miss something, or are we talking about f**d?
30 Mar, 2012
Wonderful. There is enough trees for all cameras to watch you, Pim, lol.
31 Mar, 2012
Yes gattina I meant the unmentionable f--d! I was replying to STT but you and I put the comments on at the same time!
31 Mar, 2012
Unmentionable? Food? Whatever do you mean, Sticki? I can't believe you wrote that! ;o)))))) Gosh, I've come over all peckish now. "Time for a little something!" (Winnie the Pooh - my hero)
31 Mar, 2012
''The thing from the deep'' here...ello : )
I am assuming thats 'emotionally' deep ; ), although after my last WI presentation!!!
Shall we just say every blog has to have a pic of a cheese n pickle sandwich at the end as a reward?
31 Mar, 2012
thats a very good idea~ will you supply the pickle for us all? 'Pickle Grows on You'??
31 Mar, 2012
Loving your new garden Pimp! Hopefully you've saved some room for me? ;/ I don't expect to be fed though, not a big fan of porkie pies ;)
31 Mar, 2012
Hello..My lovely Lily.. the best spot is yours..Just a sanwich and a 2/ 3 bottles between us. Flat back sky gazing...Wishing you were here
31 Mar, 2012
Why you silver tongued devil ;)
You had me at sandwich :))))
1 Apr, 2012
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I think the "cut down and replanted trees" are now fruit trees.....No labels so I will have to wait and see.
29 Mar, 2012