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I've started so I'll finish

I've started so I'll finish

This much took about an hour and a half - never painted outside beofre: some of these bricks needed to be painted from all directions to try to cover the pits and cracks.

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Been there myself Fran painting walls outside and plenty of times i think why have i started this.A deep pile roller may be best and when they want to work correctly they do it quite quickly.Hope the rest goes well:))))

3 Apr, 2012


And a good job you are making of it Fran ,it will reflect the sunlight making it a much brighter area ......

3 Apr, 2012


I did think of a roller, Mark, though I've no idea where my brushes and rollers are (somewhere at the back of a cupboard, no doubt, under the "won't need those for ages yet" rule of storage!) - I'd bought a cheap pack of paint brushes which I *did* know the location, so used the biggest brish in that, 2" - did try a smaller brush to fill in the small cracks, but didn't seem to work.

Besides, using a roller means using a tray, and i found on previous (internal) jobs that i waste paint that JI can't *quite* get out of the corners! Anyway, with a roller, I also found that I tend to "spolash it all over", that paint flicks off backwards as well as going where I want it. lol no doubt there's a technique to using a roller, as well as how much paint to load it with each time.

Thanks, Amy. lol of course I've not shown a close-up - the pits and cracks look like a bad acne attack - it has to be pretty bad for even me to be able to see 'em at arm's length!

The tin said two coats should cover ten square metres - I usually have a prob deciding how much paint to put on how big an area- I tend to two extremes - little paint and spread thinly (remember "bread and scrape" as a kid??) or a full brush-load so that the paint starts to run down the wall! I've done both so far, so it'll probably be patchy and need a second coat for that reason alone.

*s* I need to get the handyman to do the final coat - someone who can see well enough to know where the patches are and to blend them - or rather, to direct me to do that, since I do want to do it all myself.

The idea was to try to refect light back into the garden - I get dazzled by the white paint on the blocks opposite (to such an extent that I frequently have to go around indoors with one hand shading my eyes in the afternoons!) though I went for matt paint to avoid glare for me and for others (though they'd get my dazzle in the mornings).

It'd also make the space a bit more cheerful and inviting - and another reason is that it'd provide a nicer background to the wall planters I want to hang under the windows.

4 Apr, 2012

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