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Daphne 'Jim's Pride'

Daphne 'Jim's Pride'

First daphne to open, there are so many flower buds packed together that I have to pick the dead ones off. This will probably be in flower constantly until November. I am moving in a couple months and this is the plant I am most concerned about trying to transplant!

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best of luck with the move and i hope all the plants survive

4 Apr, 2012


Fingers crossed for you :)

4 Apr, 2012


Thanks :). I've already moved Daphne 'Rosy Wave' and Daphne 'Wilhelm Schacht' with success! I doubt I will be able to keep all my daphnes alive but it's nice to have two of the rare ones out of the way. Problem with this one is the size, moving small daphnes can be done but big ones that have been in the ground for a while are never happy when they're moved. My advice to anyone with daphnes is don't move them unless you have to!

5 Apr, 2012

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