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work area with holding beds

work area with holding beds

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Lovely to see the trees in the distance!

4 Apr, 2012


Looks as if you mean business Lori :o)

4 Apr, 2012


i see the greenhouse is filling

4 Apr, 2012


Your greenhouse is looking for good! I like it! :>)

5 Apr, 2012


Thanks everyone! Must scratch away the weeds growing in the limestone job I don't relish. But actually got a start on planting seeds today. fingers crossed and heater running.

7 Apr, 2012


why dooo weeds grow so fast Lori....if only my veggies grew that

7 Apr, 2012



I wish my plants grew as fast as the weeds here, also. lol!

7 Apr, 2012


It's just an amateur's observation but I find that if you need a plant which will survive without a great deal of care you must find one closest to the specie. I'm constantly amazed at the resilience of plants and the blessing of dormancy in our unforgiving climate. Some of the plants we call weeds or an herb are very close cousins...The main bane of urban lawns is the Dent de Leon and it's now a cultivated salad green or vegetable course in nouvelle cuisine. Not sure, but I think I read somewhere that it came to our shores via the herb beds of early settlers.

7 Apr, 2012

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