Clematis - Madame Julia Correvon / Girenas
By Shenuk

18 Apr, 2012
Thanks to Dawn for letting us know they had these in Morrisons. Didn't have the larger size in these colours but these will do just fine!
Comments on this photo
Thanks Terra :)
18 Apr, 2012
lol!! i want a madame julia and a girenas!! i think i bought the boring ones:-(( but im glad ive been of use to someone!
18 Apr, 2012
18 Apr, 2012
Great to see..I bought Madame Julia Correvon, Comtesse de Bouchard and Sunset yesterday, hope they do well.
25 Apr, 2012
Plants from supermarkets can be real good bargains and at least we can eat then for the week, instead of just nipping in a garden centre to buy compost (£50 later) sat in my garden pinching seed off the bird table to feed myself for the week..
9 May, 2012
whats the size of the plants. look very chip.
11 May, 2012
I bought a lot clematis from taylors uk.
unfortunately I had to pay alot for curier.
11 May, 2012
Shenuk hi. Sorry for the extremely long post, but I really need your help. I've been online looking for pictures and descriptions of Girenas and they do seem to differ slightly, which is really confusing me. Then I came across this website, and like you I bought 4 of this size clematis from Morrisons at the beginning of April, including both the ones you have. I was really exited because Girenas is now big and strong, and has 13 flower buds on it, 6 on one stem and 7 on the other, and I couldn't wait for them to open because the picture looks so gorgeous.
Because the weather really hasn't been good they are still sitting on my kitchen windowsill, even though I am desperate to get them planted out. You can't believe how upset I was to go in the kitchen yesterday morning to find an open flower - which is lilac!! and a second one this morning, also lilac. I'm really trying to give it the benefit of the doubt as it's indoors and in the shade, but I really don't think it's right. I am soooooo disappointed :( :(
I'd really like to know if your Girenas has started flowering yet and whether it is true to the picture on the packaging and some of the photographs I've seen, or whether there is any hint that the edges of the petals are lilac, and that maybe mine just hasn't got its dark stripe because it's been kept in the shade. Everything else with it ties up, it has flowered at the right time ie early; it has more than 6 petals; they are crimped and lacy; and even the colour of the stamens look pretty much right. So is it just because mine's been indoors in the shade?? Is yours out in the sun? (That's when we've seen any sun!!) and is it what you expected?? I look forward to your verdict, many thanks
13 May, 2012
Hi Snowfire. Sorry for the late reply. Believe it or not, mine haven't actually flowered yet even though they are out in the full sunshine!!... what little we have had of it. I think all the rain we have had has slowed them down a bit, and although they are lush and leafy they are yet to flower. I am really hoping mine have the lovely bright colour as per the packaging but I have come to expect pretty much anything. I bought 5 climbing roses last year, 3 red and 2 purple. I actually got 4 yellow and one peach!!! Although they are not the colour I wanted they are nice roses. It still smarts a bit though.. I wanted red!! lol
If they were planted outside, I would say photograph them and (providing you still had the packaging) return to where you bought them with your "evidence" and see if they would either at least part refund you or give you another of the correct colour. Its difficult to say although not entirely impossible whether them being on your kitchen windowsill has in fact affected the final colouring. I do know many species of Clematis do change colour from year to year.. not full colour, just shade usually. This could also possibly have happened with yours. I would plant it out as soon as you can, keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best. If all else fails, buy another and try again :) Best wishes to you.. and your colour changing Clematis :)
21 Jun, 2012
Dont be panic snowfire it is frequent for clematis to change slitly their colour due to some reasons(light weather etc.)For example (my abilene from TAYLORS boulevard collection) is light pink when sunshines and deep pink when claudy. See the Taylors clematis web page.
25 Jun, 2012
Pictures by shenuk
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18 Apr, 2012