baking day
By Franl155

19 Apr, 2012
Two out of three recipes I've never tried before; results were edible, which is enouraging!
top: flapjacks (plain, thought I'd try the recipe before getting fancy with it) left: "squashed flies", old favorite; right: shortbread (coloured because I'd added flacours and I wanted to be able to tell which was which).
Comments on this photo
lol needed to keep my energy levels up!
I wasn't sure how much flavouring to put in, so I only put in a little - too little, as it turned out, but better than too much, at least the results weren't overpowering.
The pink ones were rose flavoured (never heard of that before i saw the little bottle, and having seen it, had to try it) and the yellow ones were almond. Can taste that faintly, but not being sure what "rose" tastes like, not sure if that flavour came through.
Next time I'll try a bit more flavour, and try flavouring the flapjacks, too.
21 Apr, 2012
Very surprised Sticki hasnt commented ; )
19 May, 2012
lol give her time ...
19 May, 2012
Shall we tell her what she's missed? She'll be mortified!
20 May, 2012
tell us they've all gone now Fran ; )
20 May, 2012
lol indeed, Stevie - as has the new batch I made last weekend! I tried adding more flavouring and colouring to the shortbread, still not sure if it's enough, but better to add too little than too much - at least it's still edible.
20 May, 2012
I have never met a man who bakes, Fran. Nice to meet you :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
26 May, 2012
you still haven't, Kat!
26 May, 2012
Lol. :)))
27 May, 2012
squashed flies...what is squashed flies ???
17 Oct, 2013
it's another name for Garibaldi biscuits; I got the term from the Swallows and Amazons books.
This is an adaptation of that, just hicker and with a lot more fruit - got the recipe from my mum's WW2 "Patsy" cookery book. Lots more recipes I'd like to try, but can't seem to get dried egg!
lol I put "squashed fly " into Google, it immediately suggested the next word, and the first link was:
17 Oct, 2013
might try making these...
18 Oct, 2013
They're very easy to make, especially if you get the instructions right first time! pastry rolled out, scatter dried fruit and sugar, fold, roll, cut, bake ... munch!
I've had to rejig a few times, and the pastry turned out a bit dry because it had been over-handled, or baked a bit too long or too high a heat or too high a shelf - usually still edible, though.
My main problem is that I usually add too much fruit - makes the end result moist and yummy, but (how can I put this delicately?) often results in extra trips to the bathroom!
18 Oct, 2013
i know the biscuit after looking..i do like dipped in tea..
18 Oct, 2013
lol only prob is they might drop off if you dunk a bit too long! that's happened ...
19 Oct, 2013
ive just seen some photos of dog weed on here its very beautiful... on Rkwright's profile... never realized it looked so pretty..
this is true about dunking...
19 Oct, 2013
I may have seen that pic, but it rings no bells, so I searched GoY for "dogweed" and got two responses, neither of which were his! so I'll keep looking, it'll turn up.
Oh, on his *profile*! got it now!!!!
19 Oct, 2013
okie dokie....
19 Oct, 2013
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So there is life outside the cupboard then! Or maybe these are the supplies you intend taking in there to keep you going while you file everything on all those shelves. ;o))))
They look scrummy, Fran. And very fattening.
21 Apr, 2012