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Japanese knotweed

Japanese knotweed

Turns out that my neighbour has been growing it as a screen............!!!!!!!

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Oh dear..

27 Apr, 2012


...indeed... :(

27 Apr, 2012


You must have been doing something really dreadful if the were desperate enough to screen you away with that! ;)

27 Apr, 2012


Oh, Pim...if I'd only known...but we bought the house in winter and I've never paid much attention to 'within these walls'...not that I knew what JK looked like...

I would laugh if new shoots weren't coming up about a metre from our garage...

27 Apr, 2012


Do they actually want them???

27 Apr, 2012


I dunno...P

I had a look in, when his big gates were open, this morning...and it's bad...

He's been mowing it back on his side for years...the spread is enormous...spent all day writing him a letter (in French-not easy) trying to explain how bad it is...

27 Apr, 2012


I may be scaring you now Karen, but if he is mowing them his side the roots will run...I would check the legal status of growing it in France. Get the council in with the right kit.

27 Apr, 2012


I know, J...a French friend thinks it may be a cunning plan to buy up our property cheap, lol (but I can only manage a half-hearted 'lol')

I don't think that you can scare me any more than I already am, P - been researching it...he's been doing absolutely everything he shouldn't...

...and it's not illegal (yet) in France...although, I'm hoping that (having pointed out that it will grow up through his swimming pool and two adjoining houses), he'll take me seriously - and quickly!

I did include a list of internet sites for his perusal...

27 Apr, 2012


I am devastated for you Karen.

27 Apr, 2012


I feel like giving up, Denise...but, if I do - what then? I've just got to make him make it stop short of our land/buildings, whilst taking action (legal? I don't know, yet...)

27 Apr, 2012


OMG!!! and here's me saying on one of your other pictures things can only get better - I really feel for you. I'd best not use bad words on here - but what an ********!!!!
Getting rid of this stuff is big business now. I do hope he takes in all you are telling him and gets it dealt with properly. This will have an impact on all sorts - value of your property, insurance etc. I would be going mental by now - I get annoyed with the Kerria and Lily of the Valley - I'd be in a straight jacket if I was faced with that!!!

27 Apr, 2012


It really hasn't been your year,Karen,has it ? I do hope he takes notice,and sees reason..surely it's in his interests too ? On a positive note,maybe he is ignorant of the damage it can cause..lets hopes so...good luck.x

27 Apr, 2012


OH my word. What can I say? Oh no! Oh Karen....I feel you have been put through a wringer lately....I hope things start to get better for you soon hun. Oh lordy! This is not good....not good at're grows through concrete this stuff....I hope he will get a terrible fright when you let him know, and wake up to doing something about it. :((((((

27 Apr, 2012


Ah, well...I didn't know what it was either, Bloomer - you live and learn, eh? If you see it - tell!! Don't let it get near you...

Trouble does look quite beautiful :/

27 Apr, 2012


Scottish - the laws are not the same here, so not sure about insurance etc (although the dreaded 'renouée du japon' is on the 10 most wanted list) ...
...but they are big on neighbours not annoying each other - so, I'm really hoping that there will be some Napoleonic law which can be 'applied' to the current situation...

27 Apr, 2012


Oh, Karen - I haven't heard that expression for a long while - I remember helping my gran to do the wringing.
(I liked it at the time!)

So - just spoke to N (who doesn't really appreciate the problem) - who said, and I quote, 'Just get some weedkiller on it'...............

...after that, we fell out (quelle surprise)...

27 Apr, 2012


Get a quote to have the stuff removed....that might make him take a bit of notice...neighbour and OH!!

27 Apr, 2012


I shouldn't, really, Scottish...because the big mamma is on his (the neighbour's) land...

...mais, je pense que tu a reason, ma petite Ecossaise!

I will find someone! :)

27 Apr, 2012


D'accord! I have no doubt :)))

27 Apr, 2012


...tomorrow tho'...

- the wringer has wrung me out for today, lol!

Bedtime for me...night all x

27 Apr, 2012


oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!

27 Apr, 2012


Poor you, do hope you get a resolve.

27 Apr, 2012


so sorry Karen - I thought it was illegal to grow this as it spreads for miles and destroys

28 Apr, 2012


Oh Pixi - if (when) it gets under my garage (which we're in the process of converting into a bedroom)...and into my wee garden...doesn't bear thinking about...

Thanks, Gm - he should find my letter in his box this morning...hopefully he'll be as scared as me and get something done - about the whole lot plantation.

It is illegal in the UK now, Paul - if you even see it you have to report it. Some people have had to have their houses demolished and the land treated for years after...

28 Apr, 2012


Fingers crossed for a result then K. when converting your garage can you put down first some strong weed killer? or something that will stop its growth? Although not sure if anything stops this! Over here we have to call in the specialists and they come in wearing white overalls which have to be destroyed etc.

28 Apr, 2012


Found it..I heard about this a while back. I don't know what the results have been,

28 Apr, 2012


I think you can put in barriers, Gm...but they have to go down at least 3 metres and, logistically, I'm sure how that could be done with the layout of our parcelles. Goodness knows what they would be made of since JK can travel through concrete.

I've read about this little bug, Pim. Given that JK travels at a speed of one metre a month...I need about 1,000,000 of them by tomorrow!! anyone planning a wee trip to France???

28 Apr, 2012


Pim that phsyllid seems to be the answer!
Karen maybe you could write to DEFRA, for advise.

28 Apr, 2012


They were suposed to be VERY fast acting Karen..It is in the interests of the whole town or village to get behind you with this. Email DEFRA as Gill says (sunday name) worth a go.

28 Apr, 2012


I could e-mail them Gm...they're usually quite good at getting back.

28 Apr, 2012


Poor you.

28 Apr, 2012
Just to be of assistance to you!

28 Apr, 2012


Karen - FYI....Beechgrove Garden done a wee slot on this Thursday night - showed you how to treat. The garden in question had it coming through from the woodland behind it here in Edinburgh. Are you able to get it on I Player. Had a look on youtube and cant find it there for you.

28 Apr, 2012


Merde Karen, putain.
have you been to see your mairie? you cld maybe point out that it would break up the road and they wld end up footing the bill.
and how about any neighbours on the other side, cld you get them involved and emotional maybe as it might affect their property too in the end?
bon courage ma fille

28 Apr, 2012


I have discovered that I have a 'recourse' to law!!! :)))))

...that 'neighbour' thing is REALLY important, LEGALLY!!

I think that he'll be forced to remove it (the whole b****y stand)...but, until then, I'll just have to dig up the shoots and present them as toxic waste at the déchetterie!

I feel so much better!

28 Apr, 2012


I bet you do!!

28 Apr, 2012


Gawd You must be nackered..A glimmer of light though, get in there girl.

28 Apr, 2012



I might have to dig up the shoots for a while (well, a few months)...but, he's not allowed to to this to me/us!!!!! :)))

28 Apr, 2012


That will teach him to mess with an angry/upset Scots woman!!!!!!

28 Apr, 2012


That's good news must be feeling much more positive now..shame we all live so far away,I'm sure we would come and help you,if we could....all armed with our spades :o)

28 Apr, 2012


Hi Resi - am doing the personal request first, although I have to re-send it, récommandée. (it seems that it is part of the process), after that, he's on shaky legs...not because of WHAT he's growing- just because he's going to be a nuisance to his neighbours!

Vive la république!!!

Ye ken we're no gonnae gae in easy, Scottish! He's hud it and so has that weed!!!

No JK here!! Spades at the ready, Bloomer and Pimpernel! Let the battle commence!!!

28 Apr, 2012


The pen is mightier than the sword,so they a good job you are able to communicate with the powers that be,Karen..We could send a petition to your French President..if he is still in power,that is ..I'm sure an angry mob of Goyers,would be intimidating !! :o)and watch out for a GD landing at Calais ...(Goyers Day) case you didn't guess Lol..x

29 Apr, 2012


Haha, Bloomer - that would be truly terrifying! lol!

Here's the plan...

Monday - am - in to the Hôtel de Ville to find out if there is an official JK intervention policy in the department and send another letter to the neighbour by registered post.

pm - sneak onto his land, when he's at work, and dig up the runners which are headed in my direction.

Tuesday - am - go and see Madame la Mairesse armed with any advice from the Conseil Générale, photos and internet info.

pm - take runners and shoots to the déchetterie to be disposed of properly.

Wednesday - start work on own garden!!

29 Apr, 2012


Actually, the sun has just appeared, J - think I'll go out now and take advantage of it! :))

29 Apr, 2012


In for a break! Short one though, lol! x

Scottish - Ive just tried to get i-player and I can't! Can you remember what they did?

29 Apr, 2012


Jeez hen! GOod luck with it all! and yes we would all sign a petition! DOnt mess with the Goyers! Any help you need..:)

29 Apr, 2012


See if you can watch it from this link Karen

29 Apr, 2012


I ken, hen!

Brilliant, Pim - got the factsheet...and the recipe! :)

29 Apr, 2012


Good..Well done Scottish!

29 Apr, 2012


Well done, both!!

29 Apr, 2012


Sorry I logged on too late to answer your question Karen - Pimpernel to the rescue - clever boy!!!!

As much as I cannae be bothered wi' Beechgrove - I do watch it religiously (just incase it gets better :))) At least it has come in useful for once!

They poke inside the cut down stems with a screwdriver Karen to get the treatment right in!! You are lucky you can take it to the tip Karen - according to Beechgrove it is illegal to even remove it from your property - it must be burnt on site.

29 Apr, 2012


I found it, Scottish...these factsheets are really good! :)

I would burn the roots but it's so wet I don't think I could get a bonfire going! There's a toxic waste plant not too far away from here.

29 Apr, 2012


So glad that you are getting somewhere Karen! That's good news. Just keep going, you'll get it sorted in the end. I was going to tell you about Beechgrove, but I see that's already more than covered! It was clever how they did it...cutting off the stem and squishing down the inside of the stem to make room for the weedkiller. I think they said it would have to be done every 3 months for a while....hard work, but worth it to get rid of the stuff. I think this is the weed I have been admiring every year in my local coop car park. I thought it was a huge persicaria, but now I've seen it on Beechgrove I think it is JKW! It really is quite a beautiful plant isn't it. No wonder it got in to our gardens....a wolf in sheep's clothing!

30 Apr, 2012


"There's a toxic waste plant not too far away from here. "'s next door Karen.

Sorry I couldn't resist. :))

30 Apr, 2012


LOL, Pim!!! :)))

OMG Karen! If it is...or you even think it have to report it to the don't want any (more) of the pesky seeds getting spread around...

I'm going to tell Camille about how Beechgrove tackled it. Apparently he (the neighbour) has given up spraying and that's why he started mowing. The beauty of the straight down the throat approach is that he doesn't have to kill everything else in the area.

30 Apr, 2012


I would say, that by mowing this plant down, that this has strengthened the plant six fold!!! Karen you know you can buy these torches (gas canister attached) that kill off weeds maybe that might help a little.

30 Apr, 2012


I know, Gm - he has done almost everything that he shouldn't have. I've researched the flame thrower...but unfortunately it seems to have little effect on JKW. The Beechgrove advice seems to be the best I've found.

Btw...did you know that the French actually eat this weed???????

30 Apr, 2012


Hey Karen become an entrepreneur and sell it to posh restaurants ! Glad you have found good advise on Beechgrove, I watch it each week but s**s law, missed this episode.

30 Apr, 2012


Apparently, the shoots are like asparagus and you can use the stems as an alternative to canneloni!!! :/

If you go to the link Pimpernel posted you can get the info, Gm...factsheet no. 5 (I think)

30 Apr, 2012


Will go and look thanks Karen.

30 Apr, 2012


that was clever of them karen..... NOT :o(

30 Apr, 2012


I know, San...but in our defence (cos I didn't know what it was either, til someone told me), we're all country bumpkins around here! lol! :))

30 Apr, 2012


OMG Karen

1 May, 2012


I still know that it's really really bad, Sheila...but, since I found out that 'his nibs' wants rid of it too, I don't want to sell our house immediately...which was my first reaction...

1 May, 2012


I'm glad it didn't have to resort to you taking legal action,Karen..and I bet your neighbour is just as relieved to know about it,and how to get rid of it now..I probably would have tried to mow it or cut it back least you can work in harmony now..:o)

1 May, 2012


It's still going to be hard work, Bloomer...but, it's certainly a weight off my mind knowing that we're all working in cahoots :)))

2 May, 2012


That's half the battle won Karen..think of the possibilities Knotweed parties, could become a village festival if it goes on long enough ;)

2 May, 2012


D'you know, Pim...if it weren't for the fact that JKW will not be here for that long (hopefully)'re probably right!

The women would be doing...'jeune pousses, sauce hollandaise' and 'renouée farci au foie gras'...12 euros a head! ;))

2 May, 2012


and... 'renouée et des fraises dans un fond de tarte avec de la crème fouettée et l'armagnac'.... for afters, at 15€ a head

just spend about 10 mins fiddling trying to get the euro sign to come up instead of the $!!

2 May, 2012


LOL! :))))

Sounds b****y lovely, Resi...and well worth the extra 3€!!
(but, I would expect the eau de vie to be thrown in gratuite)...

L'environnment? Quelle dommage... ;)

p.s. I've got a French keyboard - and I know the euro sign is there, but can I ever find it - NO! Oh, wait...there it is. lol!!! ;))))

2 May, 2012


Cor..I thought Resi was Bloomer for a moment then...Was going to ask if she was doing Eurovision instead of Angela Rippon..!

2 May, 2012


Cheeky Pimms..If only I had Angela's legs,and those eyebrows,you wouldn't know the difference....

2 May, 2012


Aaaaaah...but, that was while ago, Bloomer...
Eeek!! A while ago!!!!

2 May, 2012


Too long ago,Karen...thinking Morecambe and Wise show !
..and yes,I did see it the first time round.. Lol...

2 May, 2012


Me too, Bloomer! On both counts!!!!!

Ah, well...with age comes wisdom...or so they tell me! lol! ;D

2 May, 2012


Lol..Bit of a back hander there from K Bloomer...I have seen repeats on DVD Blueray...

2 May, 2012


Blueray...??? What's that???

2 May, 2012


Maybe Karen..shame about the memory ! Lol....
ooh,get you Pimms..DVD Blueray indeed !..Must get will go with the blue rinse :o)

2 May, 2012


No idea either Karen..he's just showing off ! :o)

2 May, 2012


Lol...You don't look like Angela Rippon my head you look like the lovely lady from Farmhouse Kitchen... DON'T SPOIL IT !!!

2 May, 2012


I can't see someone looking like Angela Rippon getting mixed up with soggy tazers and the ;)

3 May, 2012


Lol, idea what the lady from Farmhouse kitchen looks should I take that as a compliment then ?
Never sure about your sense of humour,my friend.:o)
She could look like Fanny Craddock,for all I know..eek!!!

Nor me Karen..definitely a no

3 May, 2012


Fanny Craddock!!!!

Now......take some advice from a good friend,'re definitely digging a big deep hole for yourself, there...

You really should have mentioned that you've only ever seen her on the covers of cookery books in charity shops! (and you have absolutely NO knowledge of Johnny) lol!

...and...what does that lady from the Farmhouse Kitchen look like...Nigella, Clarissa?? Not sure I really want to know now!!!! ;))))))

3 May, 2012

Grace Mulligan it was Yorkshire TV's big afternoon hit while I was a lad.

3 May, 2012


Lol,Karen..looks like I could have made a start on the Knotweed then ! Lol...and of course you are right..I DO NOT know that woman.!!!..but Johnny is a different matter..we are talking Depp,aren't we ? :o)

So Pimms,that sounds suspiciously like Ma Sugden from Emmerdale..just off to look at the this space,for further comment !

3 May, 2012


Very like Ma Sugden...Lol

3 May, 2012


...Now...who is this Johnny Depp, I wonder?? LOLOL! ;D

3 May, 2012


I couldn't get the link for some reason ,Pimms..maybe that's a good thing..for your sake ! Lol...I am a homely soul though :o) ..We always pass the original Emmerdale Farm,when we go to Harrogate..then they moved the filming to another place ...

3 May, 2012


Not certain,Karen...think he lives in the Caribbean somewhere..deffo not Yorkshire..I would have remembered !! Lol.

3 May, 2012


LOL!!! :)))

4 May, 2012

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