Lantana camara , 'Teenie Genie'
By Randallsd

3 May, 2012
This one stays low and compact with dense dark green
foliage. Taken April 30th 2012
Comments on this photo
Weeds, weeds, weeds!!! LOL! :>) In my yard, anyway. I know they pop in your yard, also. I've seen them. lol!
5 May, 2012
Thanks Milky, I really enjoy the color on this one.
Delonix1, you can check my yard! I believe this is the only
one of these "weeds" that I currently have. Teenie Genie stays small, is not lanky like many & it doesn't seem to self sow. I do need to watch out for the wild volunteers grown from seeds the birds deposit. Usually gathered from other yards in the neighborhood.
5 May, 2012
Yes, the pink hybrid seems to be the dominant color which pops up everywhere. This amazes me...because the species is the orange-red variety...and it doesn't naturalize as easily.
5 May, 2012
I love them but I know they are a problem in some countries and banned even.
10 May, 2012
I really like the colors of the flowers. However, when they get established from volunteers, they are difficult to eradicate.
11 May, 2012
Lantana easily naturalizes and can be quite invasive in the right climate. Here it does find its way into yards, parks and even some wild areas when it finds enough moisture to get a start.
11 May, 2012
In the previous comment I should have said: Lantana is difficult to pull out of the ground once established.
11 May, 2012
They do hang on for their lives. Your more likely pull your back then to pull them out. Better to get the shovel.
11 May, 2012
When they first pop up, they're so easy to pull out. However, once they start to branch, it's all over. Yes, I need the shovel to pull some out from under the Jacaranda tree in the front yard.
11 May, 2012
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Beautiful...Mine has just started to flower in the greenhouse.....
3 May, 2012