Hebe pinguifolia 'Pagei'

4 May, 2012
This evergreen shrubby veronica has fleshy, silver-grey leaves with tiny white flowers. It needs to be moved closer to the front of a shrub area as more prostrate than I realised at planting time!
Comments on this photo
Thankyou, Paul ... it's more of a ground cover Hebe than a bushy one ... and I think a few other Goyers are growing it too ... :o)
4 May, 2012
I am a fan of them - this is a lovely one
4 May, 2012
I have just realised that I have six Hebes now, Paul ... not counting the eight cuttings potted up! ... :o)
4 May, 2012
put them on pics - been a bit dry on hebes for Goy of late
4 May, 2012
Ok ... just have to hope the sun comes out tomorrow ... :o)
4 May, 2012
4 May, 2012
i had this years ago at my other house shirley, lovely hebe and loved the colours of the leaves ;o))
4 May, 2012
I have this one too Shirley tend to keep it in an a tight ball shape, which is attractivve but it curtails the flowering!
4 May, 2012
I didn't know it was more of a spreading one,Shirley..thanks for mentioning that,as I had thought of buying one..although I could do the same as Carole,as the foliage is a nice colour....thinking cap on again ! :o)
5 May, 2012
San - it's one of those foliage colours where it looks bluey-green some days and silvery-blue others ... or should I visit the optician soon? ... lol! .....
Pp - I saw a pic of yours and wondered why mine remains so low ... attempted to prune it in order to make it grow taller ... not much growth as yet! ... :o( .....
Bloomer - have a word with Carol at your next 'get-together' about this Hebe ... :o)
5 May, 2012
We met up today,Shirley ..so didn't think to ask her,but I'm sure she will read this and leave a comment..:o)
5 May, 2012
Shirley and Sandra I have had this Hebe a number of years, I t does look attractive with its little white flowers, but have this urge to cut evereything into Ball shapes!? so mine is trimmed every Spring and is a nice little feature now around 15inches but due to the trimming doesnt get much chance to flower;0)
5 May, 2012
ah,there you are,Carole...sobered up yet ? Lol..that tonic water was really strong ,wasn't it ? :o)).....thanks for that info..wondered why your pasta was in a neat little mound today ! ha ha..
5 May, 2012
Lol, Sandra! ... I think I'll stay on GoY today for some laughter and smiles ... especially as the weather is grey again ... re. the Hebe though ... mine never wants to grow up ... just spread across all the time ... :o( Strange how you shape things into 'rounds', Carole, as I had a friend who would regularly 'flat-top' everything ... and it always looked really un-natural ... picture Photinias looking like little boxes! ... :o(
6 May, 2012
Not a pretty picture Shirley1 yes just love trimming into balls and mounds, I chopped a straggly Cottoneaster down and it started sprouting and I now have a small cottoneaster ball, must take a picture for you lol
Hi Sandra what do you think I found whenI got home one of the Fuchsia's that I thought was dead is now throwing up lots of leaves, wonder if its The Emperess of Prussia! you were right Sandra very slow to start but not complaing now;0)
6 May, 2012
Sorry you have had a grey day,Shirley..it's been beautiful here for a change..been outside all day..didn'y come in till 6pm ..heaven.:o)
6 May, 2012
I just knew you would find it,Carole.:o) It seemed strange,with it being a hardy one...just a ruse so you could have another,methinks ! Lol....You mustn't have remembered where you planted it..ha ha.
The Pink Galore isn't hardy,and it is a trailing one..sorry,I forgot to tell you..all mine overwintered ok,and yours was a cutting from last year ...good luck (keep the label ! ) :o)
6 May, 2012
I proise on my Honour to do my Best and Keep labels! only thing is my memory isnt that good lo
6 May, 2012
Good girl :o) We all have these good intentions,but somehow things go astray..you will have to draw.(or paint)
an ordnance survey map of your plants,to remind you of what and where they are,Carole...Lol..I know what you mean,as I'm always certain when they are in flower, but when they have died down,,it's a different matter ...I often wonder "what's that appearing?...I hope your
"pot feet" were ok ! :o)
7 May, 2012
Pictures by shirley_tulip
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lovely Shirley and glad to add it to Goy :))
4 May, 2012